The difference, as can be surmised, is what Jesus is being described as “founding” or leading His followers into. In the previous post, the passage described His way of life, the faith He displayed for us to follow after. It is a faith of self denial, of self sacrifice, of full su...
One of the reasons I know the Bible is true and that its writers are honest is because they do not try to sugar coat the bad stuff. We live in a world where the bad stuff is often kept secret. Advertisers would never talk about the negatives of their product. If they are forced to...
Jose Luis de Jesus Miranda-Jose founded Creciendo Gracia (Spanish for Growing in Grace) church in the US. At first, Miranda, who is from Mexico, claimed to be Paul, a leading figure of the Bible. David Koresh, a former member of an offshoot of Seventh-Day Adventists called Shepherd’s ...
But this is just the beginning of the process leading toward justification. Faith alone does not justify a person. Justification is only achieved by faith and works, as we see below. Also, this gratuitous gift of faith from God also includes the grace of hope and love the moment the ...
though not destitute. We were able to put food on the table, but had to work very long hours in unsafe conditions in factories in order to make ends meet. Common urban environmental issues—such as air pollution and dirty sewage—affected us all the time. But through hard work and perseve...
like a head does a body. He was supreme in the beginning and—leading the resurrection parade—he is supreme in the end. From beginning to end he’s there, towering far above everything, everyone. So spacious is he, so expansive, that everything ofGodfinds its proper place in him witho...
I had been gazing before was but only one section of reality. Through the eyes of faith, I saw clearly, the whole of the world, big and beautiful around me, until even the frame fell away. Surely this is what the composer meant when he sang, “I once was blind, but now I see....
Tobit 5:10 –“When Raphael entered the house, Tobit greeted him first. Raphael said, “Hearty greetings to you!” Tobit replied: “What joy is left for me any more? Here I am, a blind man who cannot see God’s sunlight, but must remain in darkness, like the dead who no longer ...
Because of those in leadership who were supposedly leading us to dispel the darkness were dark themselves my husband and I had to make a decision based on Eph 5. We could no longer be partners. It was the right decision. It hasn’t been easy. We continue to experience...
In the years leading up to the Enlightenment, Christianity and science arrived at an uneasy compromise after centuries of strife in Europe. Scientific authority was gaining recognition, but that of the Church had not completely waned. The tension eventually separated Church and State, leaving science...