Saints are held in such regard that Catholics will often pray to them in order to request their aid. With the exception of the archangels, Saints were ordinary people, who lived ordinary lives. During their lives, each and every saint was considered to be a positive...
“fishers of men.” In the miraculous feeding of the five thousand, it was Andrew who brought the boy with five loaves and two fishes to Jesus (John 6:8–9). With Saints Peter, James, and John, Andrew asked Jesus on theMount of Olivesfor signs of the earth’s end, which inspired ...
MAT 4:1-11 The Temptation of Christ George Whitefield MAT 4:15-16 Light for Those Who Sit in Darkness C. H. Spurgeon MAT 4:19 How to Become Fishers of Men C. H. Spurgeon MAT 5:3 The First Beatitude C. H. Spurgeon MAT 5:5 The Third Beatitude C. H. Spurgeon MAT 5:6 The Hun...
Therefore, behold, I will proceed to do a marvellous work among this people, [even] a marvellous work and a wonder: for the wisdom of their wise [men] shall perish, and the understanding of their prudent [men] shall be hid.) The marvelous work and a wonder spoken of here in ...