1.Often,Scriptures.Also calledHoly Scripture(orScriptures).the sacred writings of the Old or New Testaments or both together. 2.(often l.c.) any writing or book, esp. when of a sacred or religious nature. 3.(sometimes l.c.) a particular passage from the Bible. ...
More importantly, though, is Jesus’ next word: “she has anointed my body beforehand for the burial.” By this statement he provides the interpretation of her act. It would be possible to view Jesus as imposing an interpretation on the woman’s act, but it would be better I think, to ...
having continuing authority. But is it right to generalize from these particular instances and conclude that every sentence in the Old Testament was regarded by Jesus and the New Testament authors as having the same continuing authority? And even if the answer to that question was 'Yes' (but ...
Matt. 19:6 – after referring to God’s divine plan for man and woman, Jesus says a husband and wife become one flesh, which ultimately reflects God’s union with humanity through the Church. Homosexual unions pervert this divine truth of God’s love for and union with the human race. ...
Christian men and women, old and young, should study well in the New Testament, for it is of full authority, and open to understanding by simple men, as to the points that are most needful to salvation. Each part of Scripture (i. e. Old and New Testaments), both open and dark, tea...
And the major difference is the place of authority and centrality the church has given to the Bible. As a whole, we say we believe and value the Bible, but in practice we have tended to ignore God's revelation in the Bible, and we have given more of our attention and placed our ...
“The true Christ is the Christ we find in Scripture. And therefore, the supremacy of Christ becomes the supremacy of Scripture.” “Through the Holy Spirit, God himself speaks through the Bible as it is read and preached. That’s why Scripture is our supreme authority—because it is the ...
Be Transformed by the Renewing of Your Minds Who Did Jesus Say That He Is? Evidence That Jesus Was Resurrected The Abundance of God A Perspective About the End Times Some Thoughts About the Judgment of God The Authority of Scripture
Blood of Jesus Boldness Business Problems Child Training Comfort Comfort for Mourners Confidence Counseling - Godly and Ungodly Deliverance Using God’s Word For a Deeper Walk Condemnation Confusion Delegated Authority Divorce Farmer’s Provisions Confession Death Deliverance Faith Fasting Deliverance for...
As I read about this new “saint” from the perspective of a protestant, I wondered a couple of things. First, what are the requirements to become a saint? Secondly, who has the authority to declare someone a saint and create, as it were, a cult-like following? The Catholic church has...