In the court system much depends on the truthfulness of the witnesses. But integrity is vital in all areas of life and in all relationships. Yet, too often, a person can be “bribed” by a desire for peace, being liked, or personal gain. We can become “false witnesses” by telling p...
“And I will pour out on the house of David and the inhabitants of Jerusalem a spirit of grace and pleas for mercy, so that, when they look on me, on him whom they have pierced, they shall mourn for him, as one mourns for an only child, and weep bitterly over him, as one weeps...
But the power to enter there, even when He is there, depends on our union with Christ by faith. When we are joined to Him, the absolute ‘cannot,’ based upon flesh, and still more upon sin, which is a radical and permanent impossibility, is changed into a relative and temporary incap...
you probably won’t master the advanced ones. But, as I’ve said already, many of these traits come quite naturally to us as human beings. The more you have of them, the easier it will be to develop the
Sacred Scripture positions itself as a part—albeit a very important part—of a much bigger picture: Sacred Tradition. At the end of his Gospel, John tells us that not everything taught by Christ was written down: “There are also many other things which Jesus did; were every one of them...
Lieu makes much of the fact that when Marcion's opponents present him as having an alternative canon consisting of his edited "gospel" and a set of Pauline letters, they judge him by later standards of what will constitute the Christian canon. Such an argument, of course, depends on a ...
Our hope depends on this fact that Jesus rose a victor over death….that He is alive today and always….that he has power over death. If we want to get out of the locked room called death, Jesus has the keys and will let us out on that great Day of the Lord. Paul knew the imp...
“All indeed depends on God, but not so that our free-will is hindered. ‘If then it depend on God,’ (one says), ‘why does He blame us?’ On this account I said, ‘so that our free-will is no hindered.’ It depends then on us, and on Him For we must first choose the ...
The way each festival is conducted, largely depends on where the festival is being held. Even within the US, there are different states that have their own unique traditions and practices.Final ThoughtsHow others celebrate Christmas can be different from how you celebrate Christmas yourself. ...
II. Now, secondly, let me ask you to think of what depends upon the answer. In the case before us-if I may look back to it for an instant-there is a very illuminative instance of what did depend upon it. Martha had to believe that Christ was the Resurrection and the Life as a ...