the more I found my life impacted by the pain and suffering of those living with poverty and social injustice. Since my academic discipline was in biblical studies, I spent a lot of time thinking about what the Bible had to say about poverty.I began to realise that there ...
Bible prophecy is about much more than just a prediction theLast Days,for found within its words is evidence of both the identity and the authenticity of the true Messiah of God. About this, Jesus said, “Search the Scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: andthey are they...
As I grew up, some people emphasized God’s love to the extreme of discounting His wrath or justice. For that reason, some churches tended not to talk about the love of God so much except in that He loved us enough to send His Son to die for our sins. We sang about God’s love ...
To know ourselves truly, however, is also to understand that we are sinners. From a human perspective there is no one who is wholly good or wholly bad for we are all a mixture of both, though some people tend more the one way and some the other. In a biblical perspective, however, ...
Each day, I reflect upon a word or a phrase from the readings of the day. I encourage you to do the same and perhaps incorporate that word or phrase into your daily prayer. The Apostles gathered together with Jesus and reported all they had done and taught. He said to them,“Come awa...
let the reader consult the rule of faith which he has gathered from the plainer passages of Scripture, and from the authority of the Church, and of which I treated at sufficient length when I was speaking in the first book about things.” Augustine, On Christian Doctrine, 3,2:2 (A.D....
Just like a quantum particle that cannot be split and still manages to zip through two slots simultaneously, a line or literary event, especially in ancient Hebrew, may be self-similar to two or more other lines or events. For understandable practical reasons, translations of the Bible usually...
It’s interesting to think about Paul’s thorn from God’s perspective: God may be more interested in filling our lives with grace, in having Christ’s power rest upon us, than in taking away our pain and difficulties. At least in the short run, filling us with grace may be more impo...
In the language of Christ and the Apostles the expression “scripture” or “scriptures” denotes the sacred books of the Jews. The New Testament uses the expressions in this sense about fifty times; but they occur more frequently in the Fourth Gospel and the Epistles than in the synoptic ...
So, be very careful when you claim you want to be an originalist. There is nothing wrong or improper about wanting a conservative interpretation of the law and a non-expansive judiciary. But, the reason that we have 27 Amendments to the Constitution is that the Constitution was not a perf...