If we misunderstand this miraculous event of momentous magnitude, we will be in error concerning the Bible teaching about the Holy Spirit. Let us, therefore, examine this chapter carefully. THE DRAMA IN THE UPPER ROOM "When the Day of Pentecost had fully come, they were all with one accord...
Jesus Christ said “I am the Light of the World. He who follows me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life” THE UPPER ROOM Last Words before Leaving. THE SENT ONES John Very truly I tell you, whoever accepts anyone I send accepts me; and whoever accepts. Session 13 ...
public mysteries, “Who killed Kennedy?” Or “Is Big Foot real?” Others might want to know about personal things like, “Is my dog in heaven?” Or “What if I had married my high school crush?” Still others might want to know about the future, “What will life be like...
The Sabbath was designed to bless man and help him recover from the work of the previous 6 days. The religious leaders of Jesus day had turned the Sabbath into a burden. Jesus tells them that they are not servants to the man-made laws about the Sabbath. It is a day He made to bless...
John 21:15-17 – Jesus charges Peter to “feed my lambs,”“tend my sheep,”“feed my sheep.” Sheep means all people, even the apostles. Acts 1:13 – Peter is first when entering upper room after our Lord’s ascension. The first Eucharist and Pentecost were given in this room. ...
In mylast postI talked about the challenges of living on a low income in Australia. In the following I want to affirm that living on a low income is by no means a sign of God’s abandonment. Nor is it necessarily a hindrance to participate in the purpose and mission of God. Here I...
It is our coming to Christ in the upper room where we will take up our new born son of faith. We cannot just read our Bibles and warm ourselves by the fire. We have to abide in the fire and become the fire to be saved and save others. ...
Early one morning in the Chicago Avenue Church prayer room, where several hundred people had been assembled a number of hours in prayer, the Holy Spirit fell so manifestly, and the whole place was so filled with His presence, that no one could speak or pray, but sobs of joy filled the ...