1.the sacred writings of a religion.Buddhist and Hindu scriptures.escritura 2.the Bible.Sagradas Escrituras ˈscripturaladjective bíblico Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd. Want to thank TFD for its existence?Tell a friend about us, add a link to this pa...
Different days focus on different issues, but the authors are so deliberate about including childless women that they even use the phrase “if there is a child in your life” rather than assuming that their readers all have children. The first time I read that, I gasped–it was such a ...
Bible Verses about Strength: Top Scriptures for Encouragement There are many Bible verses about strength for when you feel tired, weak, and overwhelmed by the storms of life. In the Psalms, we read the beautiful promise that: "The Lord is my rock,... Love Bible Verses Quotes about Love...
“[Resurrection] is the doctrine I say, which makes me fear to offend, and that is as an undergirder to my soul, whereby I am kept from destruction and confusion, under all the storms and tempests I here go through.” (John Bunyan) ...
Calm, peace, or tranquility is a serene state of mind that children may experience when they feel a sense of inner quiet and contentment. It’s like a gentle breeze that soothes the soul and brings a sense of relaxation amidst life’s storms. In the Bible, there are scriptures that offer...
When our story begins, there’s just been a mighty spiritual battle, a showdown between on one hand Yahweh and his prophet Elijah, and on the other, Baal and his prophets. Baal was the god of storms, rain, and fertility. On Mt Carmel, God has revealed himself powerfully by sending fi...
Whether you are seeking to know more about God or have been a follower of Jesus for years, the collection of inspirational Bible verses below can help you trust God's promises no matter what storms you face. He wants to "prosper you and not to harm you, to give hope and a future" ...
Many Saints had a life mission that drove them towards helping others, while spreading the word of God. Through their actions and efforts, Saints were able to help humanity as a whole, in their own way. Their actions, made them legends of their own time, and today they inspire the way ...
Fa Xian is finally permitted to bring the scriptures aboard. In the second scene, when the boat sail in the vast expanse of water, the terrifying storms and waves threaten every one’s life. The sailors try many times to throw the Buddhism scriptures into the sea but Fa Xian refuses and...
The young Huguenot not infrequently visited foreign countries, sometimes in the character of a traveler impelled by thirst for knowledge, and sometimes in the character of an exile whom the storms of persecution had cast on an alien shore; but in whatever capacity he mingled with foreigners, he...