but “saint” is often replaced with a phrase like “holy one of the Lord.” This would seem to be in line with the aura of a saint. They are holy or set apart for God’s purposes. Set apart from the unbelievers,
runs through history, and ends with worldwide deception. Satan is called “the father of lies” (SeeJohn 8:44). Satan enticed the first couple with a false promise of eternal life and becoming like God (SeeGenesis 3:4-5). There are many (worldwide) who believe themselves...
There is much in Scripture that seems to bear out the boast that the kingdoms are at Satan’s disposal. But he is ‘the father of lies’ as well as the ‘prince of this world,’ and we may be very sure that his authority loses nothing in his telling. If we think how many thrones...
Politics of Scripture “In My Father’s House” – The Politics of Belonging in Luke 2:41-52 By reimagining belonging as Jesus did—focusing on relationship rather than societal status—we are called to open the doors of God’s family wide, embracing the diversity of God’s creation with ...
Or do we trust our loving heavenly Father because we understand that He loves us and knows what’s best? And when we are called to forgive –again –do we see through the lens of our own forgiveness by God and forgive graciously? Or do we hold a grudge, give the silent treatment, or...
Fellowship with Believers: 1 John 1:3-4 highlights the importance of fellowship: “We proclaim to you what we have seen and heard, so that you also may have fellowship with us. And our fellowship is with the Father and with His Son, Jesus Christ. We write this to make our joy complet...
There is probably no woman in the Bible as hated as Jezebel. She was a Phoenician princess, given in marriage to king Ahab of Israel by her father king Ethbaal of Sidon—probably without any say in the matter—yet according to 1 Kings, she was a manipulative and deceitful character whose...
Secondly, They are forbidden to ascribe such titles to others; "Call no man your father upon the earth; constitute no man the father of your religion, that is, the founder, author, director, and governor, of it." The fathers of our flesh must be called fathers, and as such we must ...
He intimidated the “powers that be.” Then, He started saying things pretty clearly that people interpreted as Him saying He was the Son of God. Or even God (“He that has seen me has seen the Father.”). And he messed up one of their “profit centers,” turning over their tables...
The Biblical Commission’s study notes at its beginning that the Bible does speak directly about “the erotic inclination of a person towards the same sex, but only of homosexual acts.” It examines the Old Testament stories of Sodom in Genesis 19 and of Gibeah in Judges 19,...