After a while, a weary parent would be tempted to respond, “Just trust me. I’ve traveled before. I know what to do. Even if we have problems along the way, we’ll take care of them. Just relax and enjoy the trip.” Yet, earthly parents can fail. I did, in fact, forget one...
11 The account about Jesus’ intense grief at the time of Lazarus’ death is just one of countless consoling scriptures found in God’s comforting Word. 11 Ji xeynî qeyda der heqê xemgîniya Îsa li dema mirina Lazar, gelek ayetên din jî teselî didin me. jw2019 So he...
Different days focus on different issues, but the authors are so deliberate about including childless women that they even use the phrase “if there is a child in your life” rather than assuming that their readers all have children. The first time I read that, I gasped–it was such a ...
When I think about reflecting on the goodness, majesty, and holiness of Christ, I cannot help but go toLuke 2:19. Mary was given the great privilege of being His mother on earth. Early on in Jesus’ life when He was just a little baby, Mary was given the gift of being in awe of...
3but when they entered, they did not find the body of the Lord Jesus. 4While they were wondering about this, suddenly two men in clothes that gleamed like lightning stood beside them. 5In their fright the women bowed down with their faces to the ground, but the men said to them, “...
It’s like when you’re afraid of the dark or worried about what might happen next. Fear can make your heart race and your palms sweaty, but it’s also a normal emotion that helps keep us safe by alerting us to potential dangers. In the Bible, fear often comes up when people face ...
Arranged to resemble a menu from a classy restaurant, this site encourages you to 'eat the Word' by providing Appetizers (short--or not so short--studies on specific Bible topics, with commentary), Entrees (lists of Bible verses on specific topics, with
My child, I love you. I’ve surrendered my life into your hands! Show me, Jesus, how to take a stand And tell the world that you are mine— I want to be an instrument of your peace. Let your light shine; My child, I will lead. ...
a perception of who Jesus is and what he is about, and of his significance for and impact on—me; a responsive act to his prior self-giving; a true valuation of the value ofthings; a recognition that nothing given to Jesus can ever be a ‘waste’; and an understanding thatheis worth...
About Antrim Crosses» Introduction The “Scripture Crosses” are a sub-group of the Irish High Crosses. This essay introduces the Scripture Crosses and also serves as an introduction to two later essays on the images from the Hebrew Scriptures, or Old Testament and the Ch...