In our discussion this morning, we are going to consider self harm, integrity and loose words. To be specific, lets talk on the topic of self harm in relation to our speech. This is a condition prevalent amongst the human race, a condition that is prevalent in my own life, for as I ...
brother, and I moved in with my grandmother. During those early years, my grandmother had a great influence on me for God, but an elder in her church would turn me to atheism even though he thought he was doing the opposite. The questions about God began at age eight. ...
One of the things which impressed me early about them was that they were their own best and only friends in lots of instances. The enigmatic disorder their children had was so demanding, so cruel, that no one really understood what caused it. Much less could others understand the ...
As the heart monitor went silent, so did those in the room. I looked out to watch the beautiful sun setting in the west. I had made a promise to her to be there on resurrection morning. The only way I could keep it is for God to have mercy on His prodigal son. I was dead in ...
Mark 16:2 – the Apostle says “And very early on the first day of the week they went to the tomb when the sun had risen.” Mark is drawing a clear parallel between the risen sun and the risen Son at this poignant moment when the women discovered that Jesus had risen from the dead...
‘The Lord shall help them, and that right early.’ Sennacherib’s army is round the city, famine is within the walls. To-morrow will be too late. But to-night the angel strikes, and the enemies are all dead men. So God’s delay makes the deliverance the more signal and joyous ...
sResurrection, and the faithful Apostles are credited with founding Christiancommunitiesthroughout the ancient world. Indeed, they are central figures in the history, spread, and development of earlyChristianity, and, as the traditional authors of theNew TestamentGospelsand several of theepistles, had...
We read, "And in the morning, rising up a great while before day, He went out, and departed into a solitary place, and there prayed." The preceding day had been a very busy and exciting one, but Jesus shortened the hours of needed sleep that He might arise early and give Himself ...
We will stop here and I will give you a few days to digest. I urge questions. In a few days, I will re-post a detailed explanation of the 70-week prophecy and the 7 years of tribulation error. If you want to to read an early study, see:Part 3-Second Coming Predictions (7 Years...
The Lord still walks the shores wanting to have breakfast with us. There is something special about rising early to meet Jesus for breakfast, but can we recognize that He is there? Does someone who knows him intimately have to tell us?