1.Often,Scriptures.Also calledHoly Scripture(orScriptures).the sacred writings of the Old or New Testaments or both together. 2.(often l.c.) any writing or book, esp. when of a sacred or religious nature. 3.(sometimes l.c.) a particular passage from the Bible. ...
Therefore, we have not stopped praying and asking God to fill us with the knowledge of His will through spiritual understanding. And we pray this so that we may live a life worthy …show more content… Creative Bible Teaching, uses Hook (intro.), Book (content), Look (implications), and...
but many have personal pronouns. That means even though the congregation is singing about the truths of the passagetogether, the passage was written by someone’s experience with the Lordalone. Those singing can take those truths into their own individual relationship ...
I’ve met people who are never contented. They always want the ‘greener pastures’ just beyond the fence. And, although striving for a better job, a better lifestyle or a better future can be a good thing, we need to be careful about how we achieve our goals. Do we allow the tempt...
about Praying For Others Bible Verses About Pregnancy Bible Verses about Preparation Bible Verses About Pride Bible Verses about Priscilla Bible Verses about Procrastination Bible Verses about Promises Bible Verses About Protection Bible Verses about Protesting Bible Verses about Proverbs Bible Verses about ...
This worldwide gospel preaching event demonstrates God’s power and desire that no one perishes, but all come to repentance. This is why He waits. It is His mercy for us and those we have been praying for! The Lord isn’t really being slow about his promise, as some people think. No...
What are the six sessions in the Abide Bible Course about?The first session is about Scripture engagement and why the Bible is so important to our abiding in Christ. The other five sessions are about the following specific Scripture engagement practices and how to do them, 1) prayin...
If you valuepraying Scripture for your children, we’ve put together a full list of resources for you. As moms, we know we should pray for our children. We likely have the heart and the will to do so. But sometimes we don’t knowhow totake our prayers beyond the basic and routine....
Fight this day the battle of the Lord, together with the holy angels, as already thou hast fought the leader of the proud angels, Lucifer, and his apostate host, who were powerless to resist thee, nor was there a place for them any longer in Heaven. But that cruel, that ancient serpen...
Paul says he experiences a thorn in his flesh. Whatever it was, it was painful, it was humbling, and it was persistent. He says he prayed three times – which could be symbolic for praying a long period of time. And instead of removing the thorn, Christ spoke to Paul with the thorn...