The country’s and the world’s problems are too big for me. There’s not much I can do about any of them besides pray. And though I acknowledge that praying is the main and best thing I can do, I get overwhelmed, frustrated, and burdened if I think too much about the needs of ...
” Scripture has principles, but Scripture is primarily a revelation of who God is and most specifically who Jesus is. The Old Testament points forward to Christ. The Gospels reveal Christ through His life, death and resurrection, what He taught and through His actions. The rest of the New ...
I am shocked by the Christian teachings that instruct people specifically “how” to study God’s Word in the “right” way – “how much time to spend” praying and studying the Bible —“how” to come to the “right” interpretation of each Scripture verse/passage (guided by them — ...
As you can see, Aaron is called the “saint of the Lord.” That is understandable, although he encouraged Israel to sin by making a golden calf (Exodus 32: 1-5) to worship even though God had specifically said not to (Exodus 20:4). As I reread the story in Exodus 32, the actions...
This evidence was provided when Christ reappeared and specifically asked Thomas to touch his wounds. Thomas’s sudden realization of the truth (“My Lord and my God!”) made him the first person to explicitly acknowledge Jesus’ divinity. According to tradition: The 4th-century historian Eusebius...
Specifically the Bible tells us that this happened as a result of the sin of the first man, Adam, who had been designated by God as master of the earth and everything in it. When he sinned, God pronounced a curse on both Adam and his dominion. “Cursed is the earth for thy sake”...
She should be a maturing, praying, trusting, godly Christian.”[3] Some of the OT Bible prophets were considered teachers, as they not only delivered God’s direct revelation but also instructed people on how to live according to God’s Word. The role of a prophet included teaching, ...
Yesterday, while writing an assignment for a course I’m taking on the basics of Catholicism, I was reading the Gospel of St. John, chapter 6; specifically, the section that is often called “The Bread of Life Discourse”. I got to the part where the crowd first mumbles against what Je...
Over and over, the Bible talks of the 2nd coming as a time of destruction from the Lord. More specifically, it is described as follows: But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night, in which theheavens will pass awaywith a great noise, and theelements will meltwith fe...
Specifically Hebrews 13:17 says “Obey your leaders and submit to them, for they are keeping watch over your souls…”, not those ‘who have authority over their souls’. Claim: “2 Peter 2:10 – Peter warns the faithful about despising authority. He is referring to the apostolic authority...