Bible Verse Rebus Puzzle for Psalm 40:1 All About Praying to God Share this Bible verse rebus puzzle for Psalm 40:1 with your kids to help them learn that they need to wait on God to answer their prayers. Plus check out three other activities all about prayer for your Christian home or...
The great thing is, there aremanyresources available that make praying scripturequick, portable, and simple. You are welcome to grab and download the FREEscripture prayer cards(see sample above). Or visit some of the other pages below for more great resources. The important thing is to DO IT...
Paul is writing to the Christians in Ephesus, urging them to take up the full armor of God to stand firm against evil. Equip yourself with spiritual protection by standing strong in faith, studying the bible, praying, and resisting temptation. 14Stand therefore, and fasten the belt of truth ...
WCC’s suggested prayer texts based on the publication Pilgrim Prayer—an Ecumenical Prayer Cycle for its ecumenical prayer cycle could be a good resource to use. This initiative guides participants in praying for every region of the world over the course of a yea...
For many years, churches in my area had Sunday evening services at 7 o’clock. Then one church changed their service time to 6. It was amazing how many conversations there were about whether that change was right or wise. Eventually, other churches did the same. These days, I am happy ...
Therefore, we have not stopped praying and asking God to fill us with the knowledge of His will through spiritual understanding. And we pray this so that we may live a life worthy …show more content… Creative Bible Teaching, uses Hook (intro.), Book (content), Look (implications), and...
What are the six sessions in the Abide Bible Course about?The first session is about Scripture engagement and why the Bible is so important to our abiding in Christ. The other five sessions are about the following specific Scripture engagement practices and how to do them, 1) prayin...
And now we’re sitting around doing nothing about it. Oh, we might be in the temple day in and day out. We might be meeting in fellowship and even praying together. But we’re not reaching out to the world. I wonder what happens when the Spirit comes down as tongues of fire and ...
Peace is not always found among those we love and care about. Peace needs to be a desire of our hearts. Peace can be our goal. Peace be with you this time of year. Father, thank you for the peace you bring to our lives. Guide our path through life and let your peace reign in ...
Then there appeared to them divided tongues, as of fire, and one sat upon each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance." (Acts 2:1-4) In order to be clear about what is said in these verses...