I was looking through a few old USB sticks when I found this. It made me laugh. I had forgotten all about it. I also found the story which I have posted below. I can’t remember where it was published but it was at least 10 years ago. Granny Bike ‘This is the Police! Come ou...
Bible Verses about Strength: Top Scriptures for Encouragement There are many Bible verses about strength for when you feel tired, weak, and overwhelmed by the storms of life. In the Psalms, we read the beautiful promise that: "The Lord is my rock,... ...
As the verse for today says, it’s not about the good service that we do to our fellow Men, it’s about the good service that we do for God, for the sake of God – and we can do nothing for the sake of God unless we are doing it because we love God. Not because we want t...
Saint Michael the Archangel, guardian of the Church, patron saint of police officers, grocers, mariners, and paratroopers. Is the spiritual warrior that defeated Satan in his dragon form. Casting Satan and his cohorts out of heaven and thrown down to earth. Often considered to be a champion ...
Just this morning, one of the devotionals that a group of us read by Max Lucado. I responded to the question Max put forth that went something like this: will you be prepared to reply when the time comes for you to respondabout your faith that could mean your death, as it did for ...
Do I respect my pastor, bishop, and the Pope? Have I broken the law? Do I respect others in authority, priests, nuns, police officers, old people, baby-sitters? Have I stopped speaking to anyone?V. You Shall Not Kill.Have I unjustly physically harmed anyone? Have I unjustly verbally ...
police officers military members. For more information on St Michael, see our article on theSt. Michael prayer. St. Paul of Tarsus Born Saul of Tarsus, a Greek speaking Jew from Asia Minor. As member of thePharisees, he was a zealous Jew that not only hated and condemned Christians. He...