1.(Bible)ChristianityAlso called:Holy Scripture,Holy Writorthe Scripturesthe Old and New Testaments 2.any book or body of writings, esp when regarded as sacred by a particular religious group Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991...
1.(Bible)ChristianityAlso called:Holy Scripture,Holy Writorthe Scripturesthe Old and New Testaments 2.any book or body of writings, esp when regarded as sacred by a particular religious group Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991...
Practicalthe-ologyasacriticalhermeneutical process involves conscious,concrete,andreflectiveexaminationandassessment,analysisandactiontowardsliberationandtransfor-mationofindividualsandcommunities.Keepingthis theologicalpraxisof practicaltheologyinmind,Iseekto raisethreeinterrelated issuesof HolyScriptureas asourceof...
Divinely Inspired Dance; Troupe Brings to Life Connections Between Scripture and Mind, Body and SoulLonnae O'Neal Parker
I urge you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God, your spiritual worship. Do not conform yourself to this age, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that you may discern what is the will of God, wh...
Encounter Scripture with Fresh Eyes and Your Imagination: An Interview with Russ Ramsey Jonathan Petersen Do you sometimes approach familiar Bible passages with a sense of fatigue or mindlessness because you’ve read it all before? You’ve lost the wonder of it all and it ...
such as the Silence of Armistice Day or the signal of a salute with the guns or the sudden noise of bells for the New Year. They are all meant to fix the mind upon the fact of the feast or memorial, and suggest that a passing moment has a meaning when it would otherwise be meaning...
Was it other passages of Scripture coming to mind as I read the text? Was it where I was when I read it? Was it the cool evening breeze that picked up and diverted my attention to physical pleasure at just the right moment? Was it all of the various emotions, sensations, a...
“If you [O, monk] are young in either body or mind, shun the companionship of other young men and avoid them as you would a flame. For through them the enemy has kindled the desires of many and then handed them over to eternal fire, hurling them into the vile pit of the five ci...
With this example in mind, what can you do when your child expresses a heartfelt appreciation for basic Scriptural teachings, including the meaning and significance of dedication and baptism? Li gor vê mîsalê, eger zarokê te dibêje ku ew ji Yehowa hez dike û dixwaze bê bin av...