Hearing and obeying God’s Word builds our lives on the bedrock of truth. We’d all probably admit to being shaken to some degree in the face of devastating news. But when we remind ourselves of the truth of God’s Word about who our God is, how much He loves us, how powerful and...
You need to take seriously your role as parent in protecting your children if they are being harmed by your husband. They cannot protect themselves. They are dependent on you. You are accountable to God for them. "Spare the rod and spoil the child" is a statement that actually does not ...
David confesses his helplessness by speaking of being in “mire”. Mire speaks of a substance that has no bearing capacity, that will not provide support. Not only does is not provide support, it engulfs the person, even as they sink. The situation becomes worse as time moves on, and wi...
“Blessed ar the poor in spirit.” It doesn’t tell you how to become poor in spirit; it just says, “Blessed are the poor in spirit.” Having had the self-esteem beaten out of me as a child, being poor in spirit takes on a whole new meaning for me. Sure, there are those who...
s faith. When he mentioned his faith, His Holiness said, Thou art Peter”—which means rock—’and upon this rock will I build my church.’ This was a sanction of Peter’s faith; it was not indicative of his (Peter) being the expounder of the Book, but was a confirmation of Peter...
I am more than a conquerer through the power of God's love.Romans 8:37 I am entirely new person: old things have passed away, and all things have become new.2 Corinthians 5:17 With men many things are impossible, but not with God. Everything is possible in my life with God's help...
If you say the sinners prayer or how ever you received Christ into your life, if you continue to keep living in sin with out a conscious or not being convicted of what you do, than your salvation might be questionable. Either your saved or not saved. Like Judas who was hand picked by...
“The Common People heard Jesus gladly.” Some of them said: “No (mere) man ever spoke like this Man.” He performed miracles, in addition to being a compelling speaker. He intimidated the “powers that be.” Then, He started saying things pretty clearly that people interpreted as Him ...
图书A Philosophicall Essay Towards an Eviction of the Being and Attributes of God, Immortality of the Souls of Men, Truth and Authority of Scripture Tog 介绍、书评、论坛及推荐
about Baal Bible Verses about Babies Bible Verses about Bad Company Bible Verses About Baptism Bible Verses about Barnabas Bible Verses about Bathsheba Bible Verses about Beauty Bible Verses about Beelzebub Bible Verses about Being Alone Bible Verses about Being Grateful Bible Verses about being Quiet ...