The last six are grouped under “loving your neighbor as yourself.” Again, the example is that if you love your neighbor, you will”do unto them as you would yourself” by not stealing, lying, coveting their wife, etc. Jesus Did Not Eliminate Even One of the Commandments The words of ...
but as a loving Father. We don’t have to worry about coming to God too often or with too many needs. He wants us to draw close, to depend on Him for everything. He’s not just there for emergencies. He’s there for every moment. ...
Often the consequences of not loving others as we should can be destructive to ourselves and those we do love. How often do we choose not to love someone because of their behavior, lifestyle or simply being afraid to love them? I have a couple of friends who fear being hurt. They have...
And, dear reader, if you have lost your appetite for extremism and want to prevent it in yourself and your group, then listen to the counsel of the Spirit: “Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself” (P...
It can be very difficult for some personalities to confront others, especially if the confrontation is a firing or a placing of boundaries on them. In my role as pastor, there have been numerous situations in which I, believing love required me to give multiple chances to a person, ...
Secondly, They are forbidden to ascribe such titles to others; "Call no man your father upon the earth; constitute no man the father of your religion, that is, the founder, author, director, and governor, of it." The fathers of our flesh must be called fathers, and as such we must ...
about Loving Everyone Bible Verses about Loving Others Bible Verses about Loving Your Enemy Bible Verses about Loving Your Wife Bible Verses about Loving Yourself Bible Verses about Loyalty Bible Verses about Lucifer Bible Verses about Lust Bible Verses about Magic Bible Verses about Making Decisions ...
Surely, we all want to live as we ought, represent the truth of The Word, and show integrity in all we do—seen and unseen. Don’t be double minded but seek to do what is right in His eyes and others. Father, teach us to speak with integrity to honour you. Cleanse our heart and...
How then, one may say, are James and the others called His brethren? In the same kind of way as Joseph himself was supposed to be husband of Mary. For many were the veils provided, that the birth, being such as it was, might be for a time screened. Wherefore even John so called ...
One of the things which impressed me early about them was that they were their own best and only friends in lots of instances. The enigmatic disorder their children had was so demanding, so cruel, that no one really understood what caused it. Much less could others understand the ...