As women who love Jesus, we often find ourselves searching for purpose and direction. But when we step back, we see a story that is much bigger than our own. The truth is our lives take on their fullest meaning...Read More AbideChristian LivingEncouragementParentingRelationships & CommunitySc...
Have you ever hated someone else? Have you ever thought about hurting someone else? Have you ever had a racist thought about another human being? We live in a day when the value of human life is quickly being diminished. What does the Bible tell us about the value of... This Isaiahscripturewaswritten on the old administrative block; today, it is printed on the lobby of the new hospital, reminding us that the one we 昔日,此金句被題在舊院行政樓(已被拆卸)的門楣上, 今日則高懸在新院大堂的橫樑上,時...
"The devil can cite Scripture for his purpose" [William ShakespeareThe Merchant of Venice] Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002 Translations Spanish / Español ...
As Christians, we are called to evangelize people and to engage all people in the redemptive plan of God; in order to fulfill his purpose it is necessary to share our knowledge of God´s word in congregations and secular life. Despite didact techniques has been evolving for centuries provi...
that Paul was a man with a powerful will. Yet this phrase, “by the will of God“, is one of his favorites when introducing himself and his ministry (Guthrie 2015: 56). Paul’s life was not mainly about his will, but God’s, as part of his overall God-centered approach to life....
We know that all things work for good for those who love God, who are called according to their purpose. Those who follow ... 20 Bible Verses to Help Overcome Fear Reginald Thomson19/04/20233 minutes 23, seconds read When life throws us a curveball, it can be difficult to stay calm ...
Let’s face it: life is not fair. Sometimes it is unfair to our disadvantage, but at other times, it is unfair to our advantage. It is interesting how we are prone to cry foul when life is unfair to our disadvantage but are more than glad to accept and rejoice when it is unfair ...
He will always lead you in line with God’s Word. It is so vitally important to know God’s Word, to know what God says about your situation. What does God’s Word say about the purpose of your life? What does the Bible about sickness, disease, healing and divine health? What does...
Moreover, what the Scriptures foretell happens on time because Jehovah God can cause events to take place according to his purpose and timetable. 此外,圣经预告的事之所以能够准时实现,是因为耶和华上帝能使某些事在他所定的时间发生,好实现他的旨意。 jw2019 (John 5:22; Acts 10:42; 2 Timothy...