What does the binding of Satan mean? Revelation chapter 20 verses one thru three mentions the binding of Satan. These passages are about Satan being bound at the beginning of “the one-thousand-year reign of Christ.” Here’s the scripture in Revelation chapter 20: ...
Iwill talkaboutthisin termsof agencyandepiste-mology, examininghowtheirparticularlifeexperiencesand receivedwisdomsareintricatelyconnected to theirviewof sacredtexts.Whilein CanadaIhavealso beengivenopportunitiesto meetpeople whoprac-ticeIslam,the fastestgrowingreligionin Canada.³WhiletherewereafewMuslimsin...
Therefore, the church can make a big deal about someone who did good works and was a God Influencer, but all who are in Christ are saints and described as such in God’s irrefutable word. Brothers and Sisters, if you are in Christ, you are a saint called to honor him. You will kno...
(Rev. 20:9 KJV) “9And they went up on the breadth of the earth, and compassed the camp of the saints about, and the beloved city: and fire came down from God out of heaven, and devoured them.” This is the last battle of all time. Before the battle even begins God sends fire...
It’s like when you’re afraid of the dark or worried about what might happen next. Fear can make your heart race and your palms sweaty, but it’s also a normal emotion that helps keep us safe by alerting us to potential dangers. In the Bible, fear often comes up when people face ...
about the right approach to Holy Scripture. It can provide invaluable help to Orthodox Christians in understanding their Faith more deeply, and in defending and giving an account of it when confronted with heterodox—especially Protestant—claims. At the same time, it can serve as a wake-up ...
If God showed up at your house or office as would a flesh and blood friend and say to you, “Hello, I am God, and I am here to answer all your questions.” Then, He proceeded to answer the “why?” questions about losing a loved one, or He let you in on the solutions to ...
Ten Thousand Harps and Voices. About love Love me little, love me long. 爱不在深厚,乃在久长。 I AM the Bread of Life Today we start a new series of teaching called
Sometimes we may even rely on a fear of not growing and the possibility of change that can bring. Wherever we are in this moment,Christ already knows. He accepts our offerings. He calls to us to prepare to guide ourselves and guide the children we influence toward Him and His Grace. ...
Now Paul is writing about predestination to glory, which means not only becoming a faithful Christian during our lives, but persevering to the end by conforming our will to Christ’s will. 1 Cor. 15:49 – Paul writes that we are conformed in His image at the resurrection, when we shall...