The weeks leading up to Christmas is a time for waiting, much like the Israelites anxiously were waiting for the first ChristmasRead More Prayer Prayer is an Act of Worship Prayer is an essential, beautiful and important part of our worshiping God through talking and meeting with Him in His...
Your Daily Bible Verse is a daily podcast where we dive deeper into Scripture, re-examining your favorite verses and getting to the heart of the message of God’s Word. Your Daily Bible Verse is a production fromBible Study Toolsand
1 John 4:19 says, “We love because he first loved us.” I don’t think that’s just the order of events, although it’s true that He loved us first. But His love creates a response of love in us. Romans 5:5 says, “God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the ...
They put me in counseling but it didn’t do much aside from having someone I could talk to and a strategy that helped me cope better but still lead to meltdowns in appointments. Rebekah knows how to help and has been able to help me through what I’m going through. I’d highly ...
God is within her, she will not fail. For women who are going through a difficult time in their lives, be it divorce or separation, death of love ones, loss of job, this scripture tattoo for women can spark hope within them. Or when they aim for incredible things, this is reassuring...
Nor can you find anywhere else all the incredible hands-on resources we’ve compiled for you. Where else can you have everything about memorizing scriptures spelled out in detail for you? You don’t have to struggle through trial and error for years trying to learn memorization techniques...
What he's doing is he's interpreting that earlier text for you, and that's going to continue all the way through the Bible. We should read attentively as though this is true, as though these authors are correct about the way that they're interpreting earlier statements, and as they ...
“to say together” or to agree to the same thing with someone. It had legal connotations in the ancient world, and the context of this passages speaks of believers agreeing with God about who the Messiah is. Throughout the book of Hebrews, the author elevates Jesus above all. He is ...
Paul also speaks of a cruciform leadership pattern that is about identifying with Christ’s death so that the life of Christ may manifest through his weakness. We always carry around in our body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be revealed in our body. For we who...
Scripture Helps12+ What the Bible says about ... Doug Miannay Designed for iPad 4.7 • 24 Ratings Free Screenshots iPad iPhone Description Great pocket reference for those times you need a verse or two addressing any of 200+ everyday topics. Updated with new topics frequently. ...