I became a Christian in my later teen years, when one faces myriad choices that will affect the rest of life: college or not, and where; majors; vocations; mates, location. In the years since my teens, I’ve read a number of opinions about discerning God’s will for your life, or ...
As a Christian parent, there is no better feeling than knowing your child has inherited the Bible verses in both heart and mind. Wherever he or she may be, now you can be rest assured that your child will not stray from the path that God has laid out for him or her, simply because ...
To be truthful, I doubt very seriously. If Mother and Father had not stirred up my nest during those formative years, today, I would be lost. The beauty of this recollection for me is just how many eagle references there are in the Holy Bible. When I think about yesterday’s strict ch...
This passage is for today, and not for end of life judgements. James is teaching in real world, present time life situations. I tell you, it blew me away, for the rest of my walk that morning was consumed with how blunt I had been in my understanding of the Word and it’s message...
It is because I found a connection between Ecclesiastes and 1 Corinthians 15. I noticed overlapping words and themes:vanity,death-as-the-end, andthe hope of resurrection. I realized that Paul gives us the rest of the story, which Solomon either did not know or at least did not reveal to...
First, almost all the responses above are about what God has done for us, or will do for us. There is very little about what the cross demands. For example, Matthew, Mark and Luke all talk about cross-bearing. Then he [Jesus] said to them all: “Whoever wants to be my disciple mu...
That “come away and rest” time may only be a few minutes of prayer before bed or a brief respite when your loved one dozes off unexpectedly. You’re a parent – one child has the flu and is getting sick on the sheets you just changed, another needs help with Math homework that ...
Matthew 7:24 instructs us to build our house on the rock (scripture) which is the most solid place to rest our life. 1851 Words 8 Pages Better Essays Read More The Ministry Of Jesus Research Paper Miracle can be defined as powerful deeds and signs that Jesus accomplished. In the bible ...
Forgive me for getting caught up in wanting to know the future and how everything turns out. Forgive me for treating you like a "magic 8 ball." Forgive me for fearing the future and for waiting around in the hopes that the answer will be written on the wall. Help me to rest and tr...
and the rest of those pests, and you will see an infinite heap of instances, hardly a single page, which does not bristle with plausible quotations from the New Testament or the Old.… For they know that the evil stench of their doctrine will hardly find acceptance with anyone if it be...