Father, even the disciples who walked with Jesus needed to strengthen their faith. Jesus told them if their faith was only the size of a mustard seed, they could uproot trees and crumble mountains. Lord, I need more faith like the disciples. Increase my faith and make me a mover of moun...
Prayer: Our Heavenly Father, thank You for Your compassion and tender mercy toward us. Thank you for loving us and giving us Your son Jesus. Let us follow Him and have Him guide us on the path of peace. Like a rose blossoms and grows in the sun, let us blossom with love and follow...
It was he, I suppose, who first gave to religious thought that metaphor which has survived temple and sacrifice and priesthood, and will survive even earth itself; for ‘I am the Good Shepherd’ is as true to-day as when first spoken by Jesus, and ‘the Lamb which is in the midst of...
the primary source for determining the beliefs and practices of Islam. The text of the Quran is used in the teaching of Arabic and is the focus of Islamic learning. It is regarded as interceding on behalf of those who revere it, is recited as a part of regular rituals, and is treated...
26 Best Carrot Recipes for Dinner and Dessert How Harry & Meghan Celebrate Easter in California Is Dutch Bros. Open on Easter Sunday 2024? Easter Movies to Watch with the Whole Family Our Best Easter Egg Decorating Ideas Get Egg-cited About These DIY Easter Basket Ideas ...
While most Protestants argue that the kingdom of heaven Jesus was talking about is the eternal state of glory (as if Peter is up in heaven letting people in), the kingdom of heaven Jesus is speaking of actually refers to the Church on earth. In using the term “keys,” Jesus was ...
Finney Love of God for Sinners All Jesus Christ, the Hope in You Charles H. Spurgeon A Caution to the Presumptuous Glory! Finney and Spurgeon What About the Hypocrites? Zola Levitt December 1997 April 1999 Lester Roloff The Just Shall Live By Faith How to Go On When You Can't ...