How to Find Your Place in God’s Story February 5, 2025 As women who love Jesus, we often find ourselves searching for purpose and direction. But when we step back, we see a story that is much bigger than our own. The truth is our lives take on their fullest meaning...Read More ...
I love this verse. It’s full of hope. The delight I feel when I’m in His presence bathes my soul with the joy of the Lord and brings an overwhelming transformation to my spirit. To worship the Father takes me into another realm of emotional joy and into His throne room of prayer....
having no hope and without God in the world. But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ. For he himself is our peace . . .” Through the cross, He reconciled us to Himself, so when we believe on Jesus Christ, we “are no lo...
I just want to be nice to those I meet, and try to make everyone happy. Again, to be nice is not a command for believers in the Lord. Consider a short post (Love Like Jesus – Kindness) from a few years ago discussing the difference between kindness and niceness. So when I come ...
Keep on repeating.To retain a passage once it is memorized, say it often. Use time spent doing physical tasks to repeat the verses. You can also review them before falling asleep. With just a bit of review, you will retain what you have memorized. You can also use the verses you have...
Sandwich/Periscope (2 stories tied together), 12 years theme, Jesus moving, falling at Jesus's feet, seeking Him out, FAITH What do we know about Luke from scriptural evidence? Doctor (Col 4:14 - "beloved physician")Companion of Paul (Philemon 1:24)Gentile: not one of Paul's Jewish ...
Psalm 31:9“Be merciful to me, Lord, for I am in distress; my eyes grow weak with sorrow.” Examples of Bible Stories with Sadness: John 11:The Death of Lazarus (Jesus wept.) 2 Samuel 12:15-23: David’s son dies Jeremiah 9:1:Jeremiah is often referred to as the weeping prophet...
The Second Coming of Jesus Christ Armageddon and Great Crack in Earth What's Wrong with the Golden Rule? Lead Us Not Into Temptation What Happened in Gethsemane? St.Patrick:Trinity & the Shamrock The Danger of Modern Prophets Communing With God What is God Teaching You? When You Are Ready ...
And so, to believe in Jesus Christ is to entrust your whole self to him, to love him with all of your mind, your heart, your soul, and your strength. In the Divine Mercy prayer I pray, “… take over my life and live your life through me.” ...
“Did not our heart burn within us while He talked with us on the road, and while Heopened the Scripturesto us?” Luke 24: 27, 32 Think of how deep the understanding about Jesus would be if more people were searching Him in the books of the Old Testament ...