about Dogs Bible Verses About Dragonflies Bible Verses About Dreams Bible Verses About Drinking Alcohol Bible Verses about Drugs Bible Verses About Eagles Bible Verses about Eating Meat Bible Verses about Ebenezer Bible Verses about Eclipse Bible Verses about Edom Bible Verses about Elders Bible Verses...
The King of Kings is arriving from heaven, and the picture John provides is that of the victorious One, with His robe dipped (or sprinkled) with blood. Note also that He is on a white horse, (typical of a Victorious General leading a procession after defeating His enemies) being described...
We got our rental car and then headed to see my aunt and uncle who live just outside of LA. They were so kind to welcome us home with some hamburgers and hot dogs (though Lucia never made it, she fell asleep on the hour drive and never woke up). After a short visit, we continue...
Christ Jesus, be there. He is the Revealer of God, not only for earth, but for heaven; not only for time, but for eternity. ‘No man cometh unto the Father but by Me,’ is true everywhere and always, there as here. So I suppose that, but for His presence...
“Old Uncle Harry is up there right now enjoying his favorite cigar and hunting with his best dogs.” While people laughed, it was a poor attempt to comfort the family of a man who never indicated a desire to know Jesus, much less follow Him. Heaven has become a place where any person...
What're They Doing in Heaven? What the Bible Says About Heaven What the Bible Says About Angels Listen to the Bible 2004 Tsunamis and Endtime Christianity Why I Use the King James Version What is a Famine? Mighty Fortress Is Our God:Hymn Poetry Building Up Your Most Holy Faith Restraining...