the Holy Spirit of Almighty God is breaking down dividing walls and leading a reconciliation between the two witnesses of Biblical faith that have begun to walk together though weekly Torah study of God's word as it is written.
Elam and Assyria. The Jewish historian Josephus describes this vast empire in "Antiquities", I, ix. "At this time, when the Assyrians had the dominion over Asia, the people of Sodom were in a flourishing condition ... the Assyrians made war upon them; and, dividing their...
The "word of God" here refers to the law and commandments given to Israel, which were meant to guide the leaders in their judgments. This highlights the historical context of Israel as a theocratic society, where civil and religious laws were intertwined. The phrase also connects to the ...
The great dividing mark in the experience of many Christians is that space between Malachi and Matthew. The proclamation of many churches is,“We are a New Testament church, who live by the new testament. The old testament was done away with at the cross” Some will go so far as to say...
years of tribulation at the end of time and the work of the Anti Christ. If the prophecy is kept in its context, it becomes a prophecy to support Jesus as the Messiah, his crucifixion, the spread of the gospel, and God’s long suffering with the lost sheep of the house of Israel!
3You have enlarged the nation and increased their joy; they rejoice before you as people rejoice at the harvest, as warriors rejoice when dividing the plunder. Read ChapterAll Versions Ecclesiastes 9:7 7Go, eat your food with gladness, and drink your wine with a joyful heart, for God has...
“Which also the Prophet fore told when he said, ‘This is our God: no other shall be accounted of in comparison of Him. He hath found out all the way of knowledge, and hath given it unto Jacob His servant and to Israel His beloved. Afterward He showed Himself upon the earth, and ...
33The child’s father and mother marveled at what was said about him. 34Then Simeon blessed them and said to Mary, his mother: “This child is destined to cause the falling and rising of many in Israel, and to be a sign that will be spoken against, ...
8. (Activity and time span) It would wear out the Saints for “times, time, and dividing a time” (Verse 25) I am going to save this time prophecy until next time so I can spend more dedicated time on confirming its accuracy. We will see that the rule of the papacy started from ...