Sometimes we may even rely on a fear of not growing and the possibility of change that can bring. Wherever we are in this moment,Christ already knows. He accepts our offerings. He calls to us to prepare to guide ourselves and guide the children we influence toward Him and His Grace. He...
About this item Product details Young LDS girls can make their favorite scripture princesses come alive with the Scripture Princesses coloring book, featuring illustrative scenes from the lives of Eve, Rachel, Abish, Emma Smith, and more. Girls will love learning spiritual truths as they color care...
Jesus’ example of righteous anger in cleansing the temple teaches children the importance of standing up for what is right without letting anger control their actions. Bible Verses about Anger: James 1:20“Anger does not produce the righteousness that God desires.” Psalm 37:8 “Refrain from ...
And since, without faith, it is impossible to please God, and to attain to the fellowship of his children, therefore without faith no one has ever attained justification, nor will any one obtain eternal life unless he shall have persevered in faith unto the end.7Roman Catholic theologian, ...
Paul makes it clear to the Galatians that the only true children of Abraham were believers in Jesus Christ whether they be Judeans or Diaspora believers. In fact, Paul states that believers in Jesus Christ are the true inheritors and heirs of the Abrahamic Covenant which includes all its bless...
Setting Event Scenarios-A Growing Deception for 21stCentury Christians: It is not about setting dates but setting events. Creating man-made scenarios leading up to the Second Coming is equally dangerous as time setting. It is actually the same wolf in different clothing. If the events don’t ...
and growing old in ignorance. But the children of heretics, by their good words and smooth tongue, deceive the hearts of the innocent, disguising with the name of Christ as it were with honey the poisoned arrows of their impious doctrines: concerning all of whom together the Lord saith, Tak...
condemn divine words. They do, in fact, what nurses do when they prepare some bitter draught for children; they smear the edge of the cup all round with honey, that the unsuspecting child, having first tasted the sweet, may have no fear of the bitter.… It was for this reason that ...
the children of Israel went onward in all their journeys: 37 But if the cloud were not taken up, then they journeyed not till the day that it was taken up. 38 For the cloud of the Lord was upon the tabernacle by day, and fire was on it by night, in the sight of all the house...
Once I worked with the parents of Autistic Children. One of the things which impressed me early about them was that they were their own best and only friends in lots of instances. The enigmatic disorder their children had was so demanding, so cruel, that no one really understood what caused...