For worthy both of thunderbolts and hell are the things that are done; but God, who is long-suffering, and of great mercy, forbears awhile his wrath, calling you to repentance and amendment.” John Chrysostom, Homilies on Matthew 3:3 (A.D. 391). “All of these affections [in Rom....
Likewise, if we read about loving our neighbor, we might take them a plate of cookies or shovel snow from their sidewalk and think, “There! I’ve loved my neighbor today.” But then we forget about the need to love our neighbor when he forgets to return a tool or plays loud music ...
2They found the stone rolled away from the tomb, 3but when they entered, they did not find the body of the Lord Jesus. 4While they were wondering about this, suddenly two men in clothes that gleamed like lightning stood beside them. ...
— Tertullian distinctly intimates the existence of the New-Testament Canon in a complete form in his day by calling it "Evangelicum Instrumentum" (adv. Marc. 4:2), by describing the whole Bible as "totum instrumentum utriusque Testamenti" (adv. Prax. 100:20), and by distinguishing ...
” All kinds of sectarians monotonously chant in this mannerad nauseam.There are even those who echo these ideas while calling themselves Christians, that is, they have adopted incomprehensible arrogance in their attitude toward the Church, placing themselves far above her. Holding the point of ...
If we think Jesus knows God best, his not calling God omnipotent should influence how think about divine power.Omnipotence isn’t in the New Testament, and “almighty” rests on a mistranslation.Notes[1]. Ian Robert Richardson notes that “when considering God’s power as providentially ...
What do some Christians not understand by the words “Salvation Is Of The Lord” Jonah 2: 9 What some Christians DO NOT understand is this: If you DO NOT believe that the Scriptures are PERFECT, you are in fact calling God a liar. Reply Tony E Cashaero says: March 7, 2018 at 2:...
I believe this about that just as Moses wrote... "The LORD your God will raise up for you a prophet like me from among you, from your countrymen, you shall listen to him. This is according to all that you asked of the LORD your God in Horeb on the day of the assembly, saying,...
“The voices of the Prophets are the single voice of God, calling. Jesus Christ is God Himself coming. In Him, ‘the word became flesh.’… Heisthe Word of God” (19, original emphasis). Brunner uses the analogy of a gramophone record and the record label “His Master’s Voice” to...
I would be lost. The beauty of this recollection for me is just how many eagle references there are in the Holy Bible. When I think about yesterday’s strict church attendance, which was forced on us kids, I can also recall several sermon titles: “The Eagle Stirs Her Nest”. Eagle pr...