Matthew 15:1-9– We must be careful about “teaching as doctrine the commandments of men.” God to the Bible and teach only that! We don’t just need small changes “You must be born again.” John 3:2-5 Romans 6:3-4 I Peter 1:22-25 ...
6、The description of the early Chinese-translated Buddhistscriptureis embodied as the view of the surrealistic narrative spatiotemporal.───东汉三国汉译佛经对时空的描述体现为超现实的叙事时空观。 7、What does Scripture suggest about those who make sacrifices for others?───圣经中有那些经文是关于...
I just finished a post on James 2:12-13, under the “Let me Tell You a Story” series and while I was trying to unpack James’ intended message (that I think I finally understand), I was about to refer to our verse in Proverbs under consideration this morning. I understood it would...
Perhaps the best known words spoken by Yeshua (Jesus) about Moses is a famous excerpt found inJohn 3:16, but what many miss is how the Prophet that Moses wrote about wrapped up the discussion with Nicodemus about being born again by the Spirit. ...
Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window) Like this:LikeLoading... Leave a comment Does Acts 2:38 Teach Baptismal Regeneration? In Acts 2:38, Peter calls his Jewish listeners to change their minds about Jesus and to be baptized as a public testimony of their faith. The passage, ...
For many years, churches in my area had Sunday evening services at 7 o’clock. Then one church changed their service time to 6. It was amazing how many conversations there were about whether that change was right or wise. Eventually, other churches did the same. These days, I am happy ...
What is Salvation(14 pages). Salvation, which is the centerpiece of Gods provision for mankind, has as its purpose, to purify unto the Lord a people through the process of cleansing from sin-Titus 2:11-14. Being �born again� is the beginning of the process. ...
The New Testament’s statements about the future give us a narrative to live by. We come to own these words when we learn to understand the story of our lives as taking place between Jesus’ resurrection and his coming again. Wherever we are, this gives us an orientation of trust and re...
In the story of the Israelites crossing the Red Sea, the people once again grumble, moan, and in effect blame Moses for the current predicament. When I’m up against a wall, as they were, I can easily begin to wonder—sometimes loudly—”What in the world is this all about? Weren’...
What does the Bible say about Love? There are many references of Love in the Bible, what we should love and how to do it properly. Learn more from our collection of Bible verses about love!