The two teamed up for TODAY with Kathie Lee & Hoda from 2008 to 2019, and during the video, Gifford expressed her congratulations and love for Kotb — and an apology for being too "busy" to be there in person. It was a lovely gesture, but what happened next made Kotb's jaw drop!
I just finished a post on James 2:12-13, under the “Let me Tell You a Story” series and while I was trying to unpack James’ intended message (that I think I finally understand), I was about to refer to our verse in Proverbs under consideration this morning. I understood it would...
The additions in Matthew to the Mark 8:31–9:1 text, especially the words to explain the way in which Peter was reported in Mark to have started to reprove Jesus for talking about being crucified (“May God spare you this, Lord! This will never happen to you!”), are reminders to ...
My teen daughter and I have been butting heads lately. No matter what issue I raise with her, or what lesson I try to teach her, she argues back. She used to be such an easy kid: so approachable and willing to learn. I’ve been chalking it up to her being a teen. However, I’...
there is worry and stress about being found out and lying to themselves and others to cover up the gap. They partially deny any guilt and shame they feel for being “fake.” The rest they project on others. They may consistently, without evidence, accuse others especially the ones they def...
Dr. Williams talks aboutwhat happens to people who make time to regularly hear what God has to say to them through His Word. “Work is the outcome of effort; fruit, of life. A bad man may do good work, but a bad tree cannot bear good fruit.”—Hudson Taylor...
Paul states, that God’s creation provides a path to help us understand the deep things about God. Further, it provides enough evidence of Himself that there is no excuse for anyone to disbelieve: For theinvisible things of himfrom the creation of the worldare clearly seen, being understood...
When I wrote about the Incarnation I was amazed at how so much Divine energy and personality could be compressed into such a small space. Deity becoming an infant! Eternity being compressed into a mere moment of time. It is just too much to be taken with a grain of salt. Too much ...
So I decided that I needed to start memorizing scripture again. I chose some verses about my mind and the type of person I should strive to be, and I wrote them on notecards. But, y'all, I hate my handwriting! Yeah, I can hand letter when I work at it, but my regular handwritin...
love. Maybe you have a date nigh this weekend. Maybe you have a big work thing about to be accomplished or completed. Maybe you just have a solid plan for dinner. Whatever the case, anticipation of something good (or the end of something tough) is one of the great joys of being ...