Because you say, ‘I am rich, have become wealthy, and have need of nothing’—and do not know that you are wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and naked—Revelation 3:17 Notice being wealthy is not about physical wealth, but spiritual wealth as demonstrated in its context. Perhaps when Je...
It is bluntly stated that meat eating is actually the grossest form of spiritual ignorance. To kill other living entities for the pleasure of the tongue is a cruel and selfish activity that requires one to be almost completely blind to the spiritual reality of the living being, that within t...
It seems to me that the key to protecting yourself from spiritually abusive authority is to educate yourself as to how common it is and what to look for. The many verses you provided are very helpful in this aspect, along with the encouragement to study carefully the meanin...
Ceasing to work is physically and spiritually being slothful. To the extent we are able, we are to work for our own spiritual food and thereby reap the spiritual growth that work will bring. Being diligent and not slothful is necessary if we are to move onwards to maturity in Christ. Pro...