Having had the self-esteem beaten out of me as a child, being poor in spirit takes on a whole new meaning for me. Sure, there are those who think their feces doesn’t stink, and many of whom have wrangled their way into the pulpits of some massive churches. One that comes to mind...
Now I am certain, I don’t need to get up get dressed and head to the local temple and sacrifice a lamb for the sins I have committed. This was definitely part of the instructions God gave Moses to give to God’s people. I also know that being circumcised is not a prerequisite to ...
When we were babies and had colic, cranky spells, sickness, Jesus helped our moms make it. No matter the hardship, he will fix ìt in HIS time. Be patient. S smeshqueApr 2022 Hey all you beautiful people, Please forgive me for my absence, but you...