Hekili Priority Helper for DPS and Tanks (WoW Retail)(Simplified Chinese-简体中文) - hekili_zhCN/Scripts.lua at v11.0.5-1.0.19-CN · huchang47/hekili_zhCN
lavae_pet.lua lavae_tooth.lua lavalight.lua leif.lua lichen.lua lifeinjector.lua lightbulb.lua lighter.lua lighterfire.lua lighterfire_common.lua lighterfire_haunteddoll.lua lightflier.lua lightflier_flower.lua lightning.lua lightninggoat.lua lightninggoatherd.lua lightninggoathorn.lua...
Text Part Number: 78EE117C99-1770593778 Open Source Used In DCNM 12 12.1(3)_11.5.4_Upgradescripts 1 This document contains licenses and notices for open source software used in this product. With respect to the free/open source software listed in this document, if you have any ...
ation parameter to allow for some d(a1t)a poinIntshtoarbdemleafrtgminiscclalasssisfiificaetdio, nk,eethpetthreaidneincgisicoonnsbisotusnodfamryaxsimmoizoitnhg, athnedm, tahregrienfosruec,hrethtaaitn thaeladregceismionarrguilne. (A1)nfoSrVpMosmitiovdeedlawtaitphorineg...
(val) elseif ismastersim then --Server sync to client when period changes netvar:set(val) else --Client must wait at end of period for a server sync netvar:set_local(nextperiod * period) end elseif ismastersim then --Force sync when value stops changing netvar:set(val) end end ...
() if not TheWorld.ismastersim then inst:ListenForEvent("lightdirty", OnLightDirty) return inst end inst:AddComponent("inspectable") inst:AddComponent("workable") inst.components.workable:SetWorkAction(ACTIONS.MINE) inst.components.workable:SetWorkLeft(TUNING.MARBLEPILLAR_MINE) inst.components....
because this path is really for loading if not inst.islighton:value() then inst.islighton:set(true) OnLightDirty(inst) end inst.spawned = true return elseif inst.spawned then --already spawned this fullmoon return end inst.spawned = true local gland = TheSim:FindFirstEntityWithTag("glomm...