foreach (var p in AP) { if (Exists(p) && Player.Character != p) { World.AddExplosion(p.Position, ExplosionType.Default, 0.0f, true, false, 0.1f); } } InitFlag = false; Timer = 60; miniMsg = "うちあげひとはなび"; } if(Timer<60 && Timer>50 ){ foreach (Ped p in AP...
These 2 mods will provide better synergy: •TurboSystemV (Ultra Nitro) = If you're planning to cruise to long distances. •Flight Speedometer V = If you'd like to know your vertical speed for smoothest landing. STORY MODE: The military has developed a new type of propulsion engine na...
what ban you talking about, i am legit player and this sh*t start to happend to me when Epic store start giving this 7 yeaars old game for free and all those modders come aand start to sh*t on our lives and on my game, they done this. I buy this game august 2018 and now I am...
Is it heavy to say that McBride has been pedding nitro to get reelected? Do I think the crime issue is manipulated for political ends? Yes. - Then what are we talking about? - Do many people wanna hear this? Not necessarily. - John's concern is... - I know what's John's ...
Reporter: robnitro@… | Owner: developers Type: defect | Status: new Priority: normal | Milestone: Component: packages | Version: Trunk Keywords: | ---+--- In CeroWRT and it's scripts, they make it clear to run noecn on outbound, because some internet routers have issues with it. ...
Avatar is the new Star Wars for this generation of digital filmmakers. The visual fourth wall has just been shattered inviting the audience to nowbein the film they are watching during a 3D IMAX type viewing experience. As a filmmaker and writer, you now have to consider things like Z depth...