script-ext-html-webpack-plugin 是一个用于Webpack的插件,它允许你修改添加到HTML文件中的<script>标签的属性。例如,你可以为这些脚本标签添加defer、async或type="module"等属性,从而优化脚本的加载和执行。这对于提升前端应用的性能和用户体验非常有帮助。
use('script-ext-html-webpack-plugin', [ { // `runtime` must same as runtimeChunk name. default is `runtime` inline: /runtime\..*\.js$/ } ]) .end() config.optimization.splitChunks({ chunks: 'all', cacheGroups: { libs: { name: 'chunk-libs', test: /[\\/]node_modules[\\/...
You must be running webpack (1.x, 2.x, 3.x, 4.x) on node 6+. Install the plugin with npm: $ npm install --save-dev script-ext-html-webpack-plugin Not that you will need v3.0.6+ or v4.x ofhtml-webpack-plugin For those requiring earlier versions of node, please use thelas...
A free, fast, and reliable CDN for script-ext-html-webpack-plugin. Enhances html-webpack-plugin functionality with async and defer attributes for script elements
script-ext-html-webpack-plugin 但是runtime 代码由于只是驱动不同路由页面的关系,代码量比较少,请求 js 的时间都大于执行时间了,所以使用 script-ext-html-webpack-plugin 插件将其内链在 index.html 中比较友好。所有这两个一般配合使用。 configureWebpack: ...
13Any look at the [project activity]( will show that I have not been able to maintain this project adequately. 14The advent of version 5 of Webpack requires another bout of refactoring that I simply have no time for. ...
项目webpack升级 配置步骤 先把入口文件main.js的所有代码都注释掉,在根目录创建文件夹:webpack(打包脚本的文件夹),webpack文件夹下创建 webpack.common.js(webpack通用配置)、webpack.development.js(webpack开发环境下配置脚本)、webpack.product.js(webpack生产环境下配置脚本)三个文件。
I've got the same error trying to inline webpack manifest. Here is minimal config to reproduce: const path = require('path'); const root = path.join.bind(path, __dirname); const CommonsChunkPlugin = require('webpack/lib/optimize/CommonsChunkPlugin'); const HtmlWebpackPlugin = require('...
"name": "script-ext-html-webpack-plugin", "version": "2.1.5", "description": "Enhances html-webpack-plugin functionality with async and defer attributes for script elements", "main": "index.js", "files": [ "index.js", "lib/" ...