To ensure that it was not myown codethat broke IE11 support, I spun up a brand-new copy of create-react-app to test and it still did not work on IE11. I followed the steps for react-app-polyfill and that still did not work on IE11. I have tried to force NPM to install a pr...
Expected behavior The app doesn't crash working in IE11. Current behavior App crashes in IE11 because of non traspiled arrow functions. Console indicates, for example, FormattedNumberParts and Component functions. Your Environment package.json { "browserslist": [ "last 2 versions", "not dead",...
Vue 不支持 IE8 及以下版本,因为 Vue 使用了 IE8 无法模拟的 ECMAScript 5 特性。但对于 IE9+,...
在 js 里出现 import 'vue' 这样不是相对、也不是绝对路径的写法时,会去 node_modules 目录下找。
Working with cursed IE11 and upon importing into app.vue I get the "SCRIPT1002: Syntax error". I have imported the polyfills. Don't know how to begin to troubleshoot this problem. Any insights would be helpful. Author jnegley-bha commented Dec 19, 2019 Further detail... the syntax er...
I am using webpack and upgrading this library to latest version (as of now ver 6.8.1) is giving me Syntax Error in IE11 (other browsers are fine) And this is the exact error location: Downgrading to version 5 does not trigger this error. Any help or fix is very much appreciated on...
Hey all, We've been using: "@bugsnag/js": "^6.0.0", "@bugsnag/plugin-angular": "^6.0.0", for about two months now - and recently we ran into the SCRIPT1002: Syntax Error while testing IE11 in browserstack. Our build that had been in prod...
getting empty page and error message in ConsoleSCRIPT1002: Syntax error - chunk-vendors.js (35,1) working in Chrome and Edge without any error messages. see alsointlify/vue-i18n#331 Collaborator fangbinweicommentedFeb 2, 2021 vue3 IE11 support is still pending. ...
I enabled all the polyfills for IE-alikes, and now I get: SCRIPT1002: Syntax Error then SCRIPT5022: In this configuration Angular requires Zone.js And the page is just blank. Current polyfills.ts: /** IE9, IE10 and IE11 requires all of the following polyfills. **/ import 'core-js/...