使用哈希值或随机数:对于确实需要内联的脚本,可以使用CSP的script-src 'sha256-<hash>'或script-src 'nonce-<random-value>'来允许特定的内联脚本执行。这样,即使攻击者能够注入内联脚本,只要它们的哈希值或随机数不匹配,就不会被执行。 事件处理属性使用JavaScript:避免在HTML标签中直接使用事件处理...
使用nonce 或 hash:对于内联脚本,可以使用 nonce 或hash 来允许特定的脚本执行。 示例代码 假设你有一个简单的 HTML 页面和一个外部 JavaScript 文件: 代码语言:txt 复制 <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta http-equiv="Content-Security-Policy" content="script-sr...
<script>var inline = 1;</script> 您可以使用nonce-source来仅允许特定的内联脚本块: Content-Security-Policy: script-src 'nonce-2726c7f26c' 您将不得不在 <script nonce="2726c7f26c">var inline = 1;</script> 或者,您可以从内联脚本创建散列。CSP支持sha256,sha384和sha512。 Content-Security-Polic...
<script nonce="2726c7f26c">varinline=1;</script> 或者,您可以从内联脚本创建散列。CSP支持sha256,sha384和sha512。 代码语言:javascript 复制 Content-Security-Policy:script-src'sha256-076c8f1ca6979ef156b510a121b69b6265011597557ca2971db5ad5a2743545f' ...
拒绝执行内联脚本,因为它违反了以下内容安全策略指令:“script-src 'self'”。启用内联执行需要“unsafe-inline”关键字、哈希(“sha256-5=')或随机数(“nonce-...”)。 错误index.html <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> ...
This should be mentioned somewhere in the fallback and / or compatibility issues, as it still affects FireFox at least up to version 100. What did you expect to see? Mention that Firefox has lack of support for nonce in default-src ...
Refused to execute inline script because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive: "script-src 'self'". Either the 'unsafe-inline' keyword, a hash ('sha256-HiMSsnVwNlOS+BOeJa0RC003iWmHPCFbSrspL9cPFck='), or a nonce ('nonce-...') is required to enable inline executio...
…elem` when using unsafe-inline (#11613) * add nonce to script-src-elem csp directive if defined * added changeset * also handle hashes and style-src-attr and style-src-elem * changed order of variable declaration * fixed typo * updated changeset * fix bug and update test * update te...
Blocked because inline scripts are blocked by default, you have to use hashes or a nonce (CSP Level 2) to allow inline scripts to run.<button onClick="runInlineScript();"> All JS Event Handlers Blocked </button> The execution of all JS event handlers from inline HTML markup are ...