通过INF配置文件来执行脚本文件(.sct)的方法会涉及到InstallHinfSection(setipapi.dll),CMSTP和LaunchINFSection(advpack.dll)。 使用InstallHinfSection执行INF Script脚本 在DerbyCon 2017中KyleHanslovan和ChrisBisnett展示了一个非常有意思的东西,我已经将其翻译和整理过来(传送门:透过Autoruns看持久化绕过姿势的分享)...
f1= 1.0 / f2;//1.#INF00b1 = IsNan(f1);//falseb1 = (f1==f1);//trueif(f1 > 1000000000)//true{ `log("f1为极大值"); }if(f1 < -1000000000)//false{ `log("f1为极小值"); } f1= -1.0 / f2;//-1.#INF00b1 = IsNan(f1);//falseb1 = (f1==f1);//trueif(f1 > 100000...
then call the method from their script.) No attack has yet been demonstrated when using whole-script approval—aURLClassLoaderwith normal parent-first delegation would not permit trivial masking of innocent-looking APIs by compromised versions—but it is likely that some clever use ofMETA-INF/serv...
学习TypeScript到一定阶段,必须要学会高阶类型的使用,否则一些复杂的场景若是用any类型来处理的话,也就失去了 TS 类型检查的意义。 本文罗列了 TypeScript 常用的高阶类型,包含官方、以及常用的非官方的高级类型声明,该手册直接硬啃的话有些枯燥,适合平时快速查阅,使用Ctrl+F来查找关键词来定位即可。 官方文档 - ...
// @services/log.tsclass LogService { public debug(...args: any[]): void {console.debug('[DEB]',newDate(),...args);}publicinfo(...args:any[]):void{console.info('[INF]',newDate(),...args);}publicerror(...args:any[]):void{console.error('[ERR]',newDate(),...args);}}...
mehdinf 12155 bronze badges the easiest way to clone an array is backUpData = genericItems.concat(); This will create a new memory for the array indexes Share editedAug 29, 2019 at 6:04 Günter Zöchbauer 649k230230 gold badges2k2k silver badges1.6k1.6k bronze badges ...
但是請特別注意,如果 WSH 程式的設定檔已經存在,那麼新的設定值會蓋掉舊的設定值,因此如果想要保留舊的設定檔,請記得一定要先更改設定檔的主檔名,再利用交談窗來調整。.wsh 檔案的格式非常類似 .ini 或 .inf 檔,而且結構非常簡單。 編寫WSH 程式初步...
But even that was not quite sufficient: many times I wanted that shell prompt to be open with elevated privileges. This led to the final two PowerToys: "CMD Prompt Here as Administrator" (CmdHereAsAdmin.inf) and "PowerShell Prompt Here as Administrator" (PowerShellHereAsAdmin.inf, elevate.cm...
Before executing the example, copyant-junit.jarfrom Apache ant 1.6.5 to your$WSHOME/WEB-INF/libdirectory. Execute the Tests Execute the compatibility tests as follows: To Execute the Test Open a command window. At the prompt, type
rominf 2,82533 gold badges2222 silver badges4141 bronze badges Add a comment -4 Try it: #!/usr/bin/python import gtk.gdk import time import random import socket import fcntl import struct import getpass import os import paramiko while 1: # generate a random time between 120 and 300 ...