#text0.18 KB |00 viewreportreply If you need robux for gamepass there is PLS DONATE SCRIPT: loadstring(game:HttpGet('https://darkscripts.space/scripts/eabb48e4-3a5b-48f6-9948-c31bd1100575_889164632873390120.lua',true))() Add Comment Advertisement...
viewreportreply If you need robux for gamepass there is PLS DONATE SCRIPT: loadstring(game:HttpGet('https://darkscripts.space/scripts/eabb48e4-3a5b-48f6-9948-c31bd1100575_889164632873390120.lua',true))() Add Comment Advertisement Ad
and there doesn't seem to be any solutions to those problems. I really hope you haven't given up on this one, Albo, it's a very useful mod for people who don't want to switch to ELS.
Well, I’m not even aware of a v2 sunset date. My bet is that Google itself has quite a few dependencies on it. So I don’t know, if you want your script to run for the next 10 years, sure you should probably use v3. If you’re learning the API and setting up something new...
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