Movie scripts for sale. Over 19,000 scripts to choose from --spec scripts, writer's drafts, shooting drafts and more. Current TV and movie scripts, Hollywood classics, award-winning scripts, lesser known movies, your favorite movie...
What is the Northwest Passage, and why do some experts believe that it might soon be a more consistent pathway for ships? Why is the North Pole sometimes called "the land of the midnight sun?" What are the northern lights? When and where can they be seen?
-The sun is shining, It's a lovely day, a perfect morning for a kid to play, but you've got lots of bills to pay -- what can you do? -You work real hard and the pay's real low and ev'ry hour goes oh, so slow and at the end of the day ...
Lauren and Sean are now going to exchange rings and make their legal declarations. All things in life are circular, the circle is the symbol of the sun, the earth and the universe, it is a symbol of wholeness and of peace. In the form of a ring may it stand for you as a symbol ...
There's an infinite number of monkeys outside your room who want to talk to you about this script for Hamlet they've worked out.
midnight. The whole city is aroused. We are hoping for a report at any moment. Driscoll sits down with a groan and puts his head in his hands. Denham rests a hand on his shoulder. DENHAM Snap out of it, Jack. They're bound to find him when morning comes. DRISCOLL I ...
Fuck off! (We see the following in between flicks of the lighter so that we go from midnight black to wavery light in an almost strobe-light effect:) She checks for vital signs, pulse, heartbeat -- Miranda's adrenaline at full tilt -- MIRANDA C'mon, c'mon, c'mon -- She strikes...
-The sun is shining, It's a lovely day, a perfect morning for a kid to play, but you've got lots of bills to pay -- what can you do? -You work real hard and the pay's real low and ev'ry hour goes oh, so slow and at the end of the day there's nowhere to go but hom...