Opt("SendKeyDelay",0) $text=FileReadLine("words.txt") $lines=StringSplit($text," ") Run("notepad.exe") WinWaitActive("Untitled") $timestart=TimerInit() For $i=1 to $lines[0] ClipPut($lines[$i]); Send($lines[$i]) Send ("^v{ENTER}") Next $elapse=TimerDiff($timestart)/100...
Amir: I'm down to yell Gotcha!, but turns out it hurt like a bleach. So the yolk's on me, and this timeó Jake: It's for real. Yeah, okay. Amir: Exactly right. So I start picking out the IVs, right, squirting blood on the one get well card that I made for myself. How ...
Gradually, the sweet sound of a CHOIR rises on the air, a FLASH of LIGHTNING bleaches the night sky and we -- CUT TO: 35 EXT./INT. GREAT HALL - NIGHT (LATER) 35 ... the CAMERA as it GLIDES TOWARD the windows of the Great Hall, TOWARD the CANDLELIT SILHOUETTES glimmering within,...