Or try this link www.espares.co.uk/product/es1562915/fridge-thermostat Its classed as a Fridge Stat but advertised for your model. Ah mate youre a legend! Thank you! I was struggling there for a moment. Out of curiousity how were you able to confirm that it is for my model? (Jus...
<Screwfix Buying Guides <Heating & Plumbing Guides RADIATOR BUYING GUIDE Introduction Radiators are the most common way to heat homes in the UK. And getting the right ones can help make a home more energy-efficient, more comfortable to live in, and they can even enhance the decor. But with...
Speedfit have stainless teeth according to this - https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=h...d=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#imgrc=XdJ-R1ddCKt9YM: Edit: It's why they can't be used on chrome or stainless tube. SS and Chrome are too hard for the teeth to bite in. A ajohn Screwfix S...
After a quick Google of the details on the plug, it appears to be Lectros Damp Proofing system. (https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/LECTROS-...LUG-ELECTRO-OSMOSIS-OSMOTIC-DPC-/130567177153) Where in the property would this equipment be servicing? I note the green LED on the front is not il...