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Email: (Plumbfix queries) ___ About Screwfix A home improvement company in the UK that is helping homeowners and technicians to keep their houses in perfect working order is Screwfix. A subsidiary of Kingfisher plc, an international home improvement company with a presence in...
Contact your local authority Visit your local household waste and recycling centre If you want to find out more about how to minimise your effect on the environment please This website will also allow you to locate all the Local...
UK voltage has always been 240v AC 50Hz. In Europe it was 230 or even 220 volts. So the coverall value of 230v +10 or -6 cover the range of 253v to 216v. In practice it meant the generating companies did nothing but electrical manufactures needed to make small adjustments to the ...
Removing it shouldn't be hard, and take a photo and measurements of it (guide here: ) and pop it back in until the new ones arrive. Counting splines is not hard - make a tiny ink dot against one, and then count using a sharp...
you must bring the card with you when you collect your goods. If you are a Trade UK customer, you must bring your Trade UK card when you collect your goods. If you have paid by PayPal, you will be informed at the time of the order what you need to bring with you to collect your...
In the UK this is the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO). For further details, see 9. How to contact us? To update Your details, object to data processing, request data is erased or ask for a copy of Your personal information, or to contact our Data Protectio...
Imagine what that tree must have witnessed from WW2 to the cold war, and to come to such an non-descript end propping up a bathroom floor in the UK. Knock on the door, chap flashes an ID card "building control, you've got a beam in the kitchen?" and charges though before I can...