What Are the Latest Advances in Screening Tools and Treatments of Bipolar Disorder?Trisha Suppes, MD, PhD; Roger S. McIntyre, MD Disclosures April 30, 2024 1This transcript has been edited for clarity. For more episodes, download the Medscape app or subscribe to the podcast on Apple Podcasts...
The mood disorder questionnaire: A simple, patient-rated screening instrument for bipolar disorder. Prim Care Companion J Clin Psychiatry. 2002; 4 :9–11.Hirschfeld RMA (2002) The mood disorder questionnaire: a simple, patient-rated screening instrument for bipolar disorder. Prim Care Companion J ...
Lau and So summarized several approaches for drug repositioning using GWAS data [22]. The ‘candidate gene approach’ is the most straightforward method that maps the top risky SNPs to their related genes by functional annotation tools or eQTL, and then queries these genes in the gene-drug ...
Developing and optimizing innovative tools to address familial hypercholesterolemia underdiagnosis: identification methods, patient activation, and cascade testing for familial hypercholesterolemia. Circ Genom Precis Med. 2021;14(1):e003120. https://doi.org/10.1161/CIRCGEN.120.003120. Article CAS PubMed ...
PDF Tools Share Abstract According to the latest data from the Bureau of Disease Control and Prevention of the National Health and Family Planning Commission, China currently has 199.6 million diabetic patients and has become the world’s largest country with diabetes. The prevalence rate is as hig...
(21% for perinatal AD, and approximately 6% for perinatal depression) [15,45] screening for these conditions is almost non-existent [4]. This is largely the result of a lack of identifiable screening tools with established and high accuracy [46]. Numerous self-report screening tools for ...
For KQ2 (test accuracy), evidence on depression screening instruments was limited only to prespecified tools determined to be the most widely used or recommended screening tools for depression: Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ), any version; Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale (CES-D)...
Proponents of personalized medicine have promoted neuroimaging in three areas of clinical application for major depression: clinical prediction, outcome evaluation, and treatment, via neurofeedback. Whereas psychometric considerations such as test–retest reliability are basic precursors to clinical adoption fo...
The American Psychological Association60 has clearly written guidelines for test development; however, most of the tools marketed at professional meetings as DSM-IV diagnostic aids have not been subjected to these rigorous test development procedures. Research demonstrating the reliability and validity of ...
The aim of the current study was to test the clinical utility of the HCL-32 for the screening of BDs in the non-clinical adult population. Considering that bipolar I disorder (BD1) and bipolar II disorder (BD2) might have somewhat discrete clinical natures, and that the development of the...