Top of pageIntroduction A Brief History of Prostate Cancer Screening in the United States What Have Been the Outcomes of This "Experiment" in Screening? The Documented Harms of Screening Age and Prostate Cancer Risk Other PSA Tests The Future of Prostate Cancer Screening What Should a Physician ...
Epidemiologically, screening is justified by the importance of the disease and the lack of prospects for primary prevention, but evidence from natural history is unhelpful since men are more likely to die with, rather than from, prostate cancer. The ...
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) tests may also be done to determine the risk level of prostate cancer. Treatment is considered only if your cancer is growing quickly or becoming aggressive. If you are being treated for prostate cancer, PSA may also be used as a biomarker for how well the ...
As with all screening tests, some men without prostate cancer will receive positive PSA test results (ie, “false-positive” results). The false-positive rate for the PSA test depends on the PSA threshold used. Among 5 ERSPC sites that reported the false-positive rate, approximately 1 in 6...
PROSTATE cancerDIAGNOSISPROSTATE-specific antigenANORECTAL function testsFINASTERIDEMEDICAL screeningTHERAPEUTICSThe article discusses the risk of prostate cancer screening in men in the U.S. It states that signs of prostate cancer can be detected using digital rectal examination (DRE) that identifies ...
New prostate cancer screening tests In the last years, the scientific community has witnessed a significant evolution in PCa screening strategies. Firstly, active surveillance has been validated as an effective attitude in PCa patients with a low probability of progression. In these cases, treatment ...
In this paper, we demonstrated that this screening program is successful to detect early prostate cancer with high detection rate (0.8%), improves the survival rates comparing to those of patients detected by outpatient clinics and the tests applied in this program prove relatively high specificity ...
Targeting tests for prostate cancer at the men most likely to develop the disease could halve the number needed to be screened, reduce overdiagnosis, and potentially save the NHS millions of pounds, suggests research. With funding from Cancer Research UK, researchers from London and Cambridge ...
Of 21 with both tests suspicious, 11 were biopsied and 9 had cancer (82%). Thus, by 6 months after each screen there was a 3.5% overall cancer detection rate for the whole population screened, a 67% positive biopsy rate among those with an elevated PSA, a 45% positive biopsy detection...
Tests to identify genetic pre-disposition may also allow targeted screening. New treatments and early chemoprevention or dietary strategies will again shift the ground on which these arguments are being rehearsed. The most urgent evidence required concerns the effectiveness of treatment strategies....