Colorectal Cancer ScreeningOccult Blood TestsSigmoidoscopyUnlikeothertypesofcancer,thereareseveraloptionsforscreeningforcolorectalcancer(CRC)Themostextensivelyexaminedmethod,faecaloccultbloodtesting(FOBT),hasbeenshown,inthreelargerandomizedtrials,toreducemortalityfromCRCbyupto20%ifofferedbiennallyandpossiblymoreifoffered...
Multitarget stool DNA testing for colorectal-cancer screening. N Engl J Med. 2014;370(14):1287-1297. doi:10.1056/NEJMoa1311194PubMedGoogle ScholarCrossref 29. Rutter CM, Johnson EA, Feuer EJ, Knudsen AB, Kuntz KM, Schrag D. Secular trends in colon and rectal...
exceeded only by lung cancer. Colon cancer can be treated and often cured if it is found early. Because death from colon cancer is preventable, doctors want to look for colon cancer before it grows too large or spreads to other organs. Testing persons without symptoms...
METHODS FOR SCREENING 筛查方法 • Fecal occult blood test 大便潜血检查 Colon cancer can cause a small amount of occult (not visible) bleeding. Testing for this occult blood involves placing a small sample of feces on a card and then adding a chemi...
The Task Force recommends screening for colon and rectal cancer between ages 50 and 75 years using colonoscopy or any other available test (A recommendation). For adults aged 76 to 85 years, the Task Force recommends that the decision to screen should take into account the patient’s health ...
A blood test for colon cancer performed well in a study published Wednesday, offering a new kind of screening for a leading cause of cancer deaths.
David Smith, 67, a retired teacher from Northfield, Minnesota, shows the test's potential. He has never been screened for colon cancer and his doctor ran through the options, including a barium enema or a scope exam. "He pulled out one of those really colorful brochures they have for all...
Screening for colorectal cancer Dr Zee Ying Kiatfrom Parkway Cancer Centre addresses commonly-asked questions. What are the different methods of screening for colorectal cancer, and what are the differences between the methods? Screening is the process of looking for cancer in...
If you're thinking about using a home screening test for colon cancer, talk to your doctor about your options -- and make plans to discuss your results as well. (Photo Credit: iStock/Getty Images) Types of At-Home Colon Cancer Tests ...
There are several options for colon cancer screening. One option is a stool test kit (also known as a FIT ) every year that can be done from the comfort and privacy of your own home. A FIT looks for tiny amounts of blood in your stool and may require follow-up testing if found. ...