Mammographie-Screening künftig auch für Frauen von 70 bis 75 Jahren – G-BA passt Früherkennungsprogramm andoi:10.9785/gesr-2023-221028The Joint Federal Committee (G-BA) has decided to expand the mammography screening program to women aged 70 to 75 years. In the ...
The aim of this project was to develop a specialised system, which could be used for the analysis and subdivision of the mammographie screenings into two following categories. One group would consist of images of healthy patients, while the other would gather all cases, which call for further...
Langer. (2012) MRT-Mammographiescreening bei Patientinnen mit lobulärem Carcinoma in situ. Strahlentherapie und Onkologie 188 , 716-717 /A.-O.Schäfer, M.Langer. (2012) MRT-Mammographiescreening bei Patientinnen mit lobulärem Carcinoma in situ. Strahlentherapie und Onkolog...
Langer. (2012) MRT-Mammographiescreening bei Patientinnen mit lobulärem Carcinoma in situ. Strahlentherapie und Onkologie 188 , 716-717 /A.-O.Schäfer, M.Langer. (2012) MRT-Mammographiescreening bei Patientinnen mit lobulärem Carcinoma in situ. Strahlentherapie und Onkologie 188 , 716-717...
doi:10.1159/000100430H. SchulteS. Karger AGBreast Care
Mammographiescreening Hildesheim-Göttingen-HamelnCopyright: All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be translated into other languages, reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, microcopying, or by any information ...
Mammographie-Screening in Deutschland. Bewertung des Strahlenrisikos. Stellungnahme der Strahlenschutzkommission vom 28. 2. 2002. .Koch K (2002): Mammographie-Screening. Das „Wie" spaltet die Fachwelt. Deutsches Arzteblatt A407-408...
Medical Board Mammographie-Screeningdoi:10.4414/SAEZ.2014.02408Michel RomanensEMH Media
MRT der Mamma im Rahmen der Abklärungsdiagnostik im bevölkerungsbezogenen Mammographie-Screening!Purpose: To evaluate the indications and impact of MRI of the breast as an assessment modality in population-based mammography screening.Materials and Methods: 135 consecutive contrast- enhanced MRI ...
Screening with mammography is the strategy of choice. Since mortality rates are suitable to measure effectiveness only in the long run, high quality monitoring systems are needed to assess surrogate outcome measures. To enable women to make informed decisions will help to improve the quality of ...