screen saver- (computer science) a moving design that appears on a computer screen when there has been no input for a specified period of time; "screen savers prevent the damage that occurs when the same areas of light and dark are displayed too long" ...
二、Mac系统中的屏幕保护设置 (Screen Saver Settings inmacOS) 2.1 通过系统偏好设置取消屏幕保护 (Disabling Screen Saver via System Preferences) 在Mac操作系统中,用户可以通过系统偏好设置来取消屏幕保护。具体步骤如下: 点击屏幕左上角的苹果图标,选择“系统偏好设置”。 找到并点击“桌面与屏幕保护程序”。 在...
a good screen saver can add an extra layer of protection to your computer against unauthorized access. for example, some of them may lock the keyboard and mouse causing any input devices attached to it to become unresponsive when the screen turns off due to inactivity. this will prevent ...
screen saver 美 英 na.【计】屏幕保护程序 网络屏幕救星;屏保 复数:screen savers 权威英汉双解 英汉 英英 网络释义 screen-saver n. 1. 屏幕保护程序a computer program that replaces a screen display on a computer with another, moving, display after a particular length of time, to stop the screen...
Tara Massouleh McCay, Southern Living, 5 July 2024 But this open-plan apartment is incredibly strange in a postapocalyptic world with a talking air conditioner controlled by a motion detector, a Roomba on a timer, and a desktop computer running the Windows 3D Pipes screen saver. Leah Marilla...
1. 打开屏幕保护程序设置 (Opening Screen Saver Settings) 首先,您需要进入屏幕保护程序设置。可以通过以下步骤完成: 右键单击桌面空白处,选择“个性化”(Personalize)。 在左侧菜单中找到“锁屏界面”(Lock screen),然后向下滚动并点击“屏幕保护程序设置”(Screen saver settings)。
The Screen Savers component provides screen saver designs.ServicesThis component includes various screen savers, such as Logon, Beziers, 3D FlowerBox, Marquee, Mystify, 3D Pipes, Starfield, and 3D Text.Associated ComponentsNo other components interact with this component.Settings...
打开“系统偏好设置”,选择“桌面与屏幕保护程序”(Desktop & Screen Saver),然后点击右下角的“热角”(Hot Corners)按钮。在弹出的窗口中,你可以为四个角设置不同的功能,包括“启动屏幕保护程序”(Start Screen Saver)或“锁定屏幕”(Lock Screen)。
The screen saver uses a detector for indicating whether or not an operator is seated at the computer, providing control information for a number of energy-saving mode activation/de-activation components. The detector may be provided by a pyroelectric sensor, an IR light reflection sensor, an ...
This entry takes precedence over a user setting. If this entry appears in the registry, a policy is in effect, and the system ignores the value of theScreenSaveActiveentry in the HKCU\Control Panel\Desktop subkey. Tip To specify a screen saver on a computer without setting a policy, use...