Exclusive: Screen Rant presents a first look at Hasbro’s Studio Series Deluxe Transformers One Optimus Prime 112 action figure, inspired by the movie. By Owen Danoff Apr 18, 2024 New Star Wars Rebels & Ahsoka Vintage Collection Action Figures Unveiled By Hasbro Star Wars The heroes of ...
Star Wars is a multimedia franchise that started in 1977 by creator George Lucas. After the release of Star Wars: Episode IV- A New Hope (originally just titled Star Wars), the franchise quickly exploded, spawning multiple sequels, prequels, TV shows, vi
本文純粹是ScreenRant網站轉述《星際大戰:天行者的崛起》美術指導瑞克卡特(Rick Carter)的看法。不代表《星際大戰》原作者喬治盧卡斯的意思。 星戰的老粉都知道,喬治盧卡斯自《星際大戰首部曲:威脅潛伏》起就不斷的以一段預言強調安納金天行者=日後的達斯維德將會為原力帶來平衡。但出於絕地與西斯雙方錯誤的解讀下,某種...
新聞來源:Screenrant 在以前的傳奇版正史中,莉亞知道自己的政治第位會有很多安全上的疑慮,所以學習了不少絕地技巧,甚至在一些假設性質的故事中,莉亞更是取代死去的路克,並透過尤達的訓練成為"新希望",迪士尼正史裡更是致敬這樣的設定,讓尤達以為歐比王是要訓練莉亞成為"秋森萬"。 不過莉亞在電影上的確有展現出自己身...
2018年奧斯卡金像獎最佳影片《水底情深》(The Shape of Water)曾捲入抄襲官司。訴訟書中指出,《水底情深》涉嫌抄襲美國舞台劇《Let Me Hear You Whisper》,據傳共有60多處相似。但在4月2日由迪士尼的福斯代表、導演吉勒摩戴托羅(Guillermo del Toro)和其他被告向法院提交了文件,表明雙方已達成協議,欲駁回案件。
綠箭宇宙壞消息又一樁,除了蝙蝠女俠的換角事件、「伸縮人」哈特利索耶遭到解雇外,更別忘記今年因為武漢肺炎的影響,使得綠箭宇宙《閃電俠》(TheFlash)、《超 ...
It was during a behind-the-scenes moment of 'Terminator Salvation' thatChristian Balelet loose a rant so outlandish that we're still talking about it now. It was afterQuentin Tarantinoyelled "cut!" on the set of 'Kill Bill, Vol. 1' thatUma Thurmanbroke down laughing withLucy Liuover her...
I was modifying a Sim in CAS using the cheat cas.fulleditmode. After I hit the check mark in CAS to go back to play mode, the game got stuck on the loading screen. After about 15 or so minutes, I closed the game using Task Manager. This has happened 1 time previously and I just...
Screen Rant presents the exclusive first look at a new Star Wars Black Series figure giving Shin Hati the spotlight after her Ahsoka debut. ByGrant Hermanns Jun 11, 2024 New Star Wars Black Series Deluxe Figure Sees Palpatine Claim His Throne At Last ...
Star Wars: Tales of the Empire is an animated follow-up to 2022's Tales of the Jedi. The series focuses on Barriss Offee, a former Jedi, and Morgan Elsbeth as they navigate their separate paths through the Galactic Empire. The series will also see the re