模拟人生4功能性模组推荐LittleMsSam | 作者篇01 泡面再加荷包蛋 2611 2 【模拟人生4】SEASHINE HOTEL🌴| 海岛度假 | 限时分享 Ariel_o0o0 1185 0 【求生之路2模组推荐】超真实的布娃娃系统!能捂着伤口! MOD-Hunter 5392 3 【SIMS4】原创人物分享💜诺亚 sims芮芮 2803 1 【M4】不起眼但有用的...
I am trying to play for 3 days but my game is stuck on the loading screen. This happens after I click on Resume game. I manage to load the world I
I loaded my game up it was fine, little slow but that’s due to all my cc. Decide I wanna build a big beautiful house and spend 6 hours building it. I
Hi! So I’ve been trying to play the Sims 4 for a couple days now… once I get to the second loading screen that will load you into your game, the loading bar just stops at a certain point and will not go any further!!! I have been researching into the issues, and every suggest...
Sims 4 loading screen April 2023by kahve16823 Original Post Highlighted #1 April 2023 Options kahve16823 ★★★ Newbie I can't even play the game any more because i am stuck on the loading screen. Currently it has been 30 minutes and i am still on the loading screen. I do have a lot...
Re: stuck at loading screen sims 4 #51 Next Hero Post ↓ August Options puzzlezaddict Hero 12 pt @eken09 I've poked at your save some more and see a similar issue, although I get error codes when trying to load the household. I think there might be a way to ...
I recently got a new laptop (Macbook Air, screenshot of info attached) and am trying to play the Sims 4 with my saves from my previous Macbook. When it loads, I can hear the start up music, but it keeps loading with the green diamond. I have moved my saves to the docu...
Solved: hi! my sims 4 has been crashing at the loading screen, this has never happened before so i am a bit confused. i tried starting from scratch
Solved: Hi everyone, I've been playing The Sims 4 with custom content and mods, but I ran into a problem this afternoon after installing some new CC.
I need help. My Sims 4 game keeps getting stuck on the loading screen when I try to load into a household. For some context, I have quite a bit of