1. 关于ScreenCaptureKit的介绍 ScreenCaptureKit可用于在视频会议中分享屏幕、截取屏幕截图以及支持远程桌面应用。 使用该工具时,应用能与系统UI体验集成,可通过内置选择器选择流内容,Presenter overlay可增强屏幕共享体验,用户能在系统UI中预览应用分享的内容。 2. 如何使用ScreenCaptureKit捕获内容 基本构建块: 使用SCStr...
ScreenCaptureKit Filter and select screen content and stream it to your app. Mac Catalyst 18.2+macOS 12.3+ Overview Use the ScreenCaptureKit framework to add support for high-performance frame capture of screen and audio content to your Mac app. The framework gives you fine-grained control to ...
ScreenCaptureKit updates Learn about important changes to ScreenCaptureKit. Persistent Content Capture A Boolean value that indicates whether a Virtual Network Computing (VNC) app needs persistent access to screen capture. Key:com.apple.developer.persistent-content-capture ...
今年的 WWDC 苹果新推出了一个 MacOS 上的高性能屏幕录制框架 ScreenCaptureKit。 ScreenCaptureKit 不仅通过提供更加易于理解的 API 来简化开发成本,还大大提升了屏幕录制的性能,以便 MacOS 用户可以获得更佳的使用体验。 本文主要信息来源于以下两个 WWDC session: Session 10155 Take ScreenCaptureKit to the next...
This bug significantly limits the usefulness of ScreenCaptureKit for any application requiring continuous system audio capture for more than a few minutes. Perhaps this issue might be related to a macOS bug where the system dialog indicates that the screen is being shared, even though nothing is ...
AVScreenCapture 概述 调用本模块下的接口,应用可以完成屏幕录制的功能。 开发者可根据实际的开发需求,参考对应的开发指南及样例: ……欲了解更多信息欢迎访问华为HarmonyOS开发者官网
Link to sample project https://developer.apple.com/documentation/screencapturekit/capturing_screen_content_in_macos Any idea of what is causing this? Answered by Natan in 761023022 I downloaded the sample project as well and I was getting the same error. Funnily enough, an idea came to my ...
open-sourcescreencaptureloom UpdatedMay 29, 2024 TypeScript Safe rust wrapper around Apple's ScreenCaptureKit macosscreencapturescreencapturekit UpdatedFeb 6, 2025 Rust Use rofi and ffcast to perform various types of screenshots and screen captures ...
ScreenCaptureKit-Recording-example 📚 Make sure to read our article Recording to a file using ScreenCaptureKit before exploring this example project. tldr; Use an AVAssetWriter to save CMSampleBuffers in a SCStreamOutput callback. Running the example Clone this repo Run swift run sckrecording Ol...